XPropertySet xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character
xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "in the alley. Like lightening he darted off to the left and disappeared between the two warehouses almost falling over the trash can lying in the ", false );
xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "centre ", true );
xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character