
Examples of

            oFrame2 = SOF.createInstance(xTextDoc, "" );
            second = (XTextFrame)UnoRuntime.queryInterface
                ( XTextFrame.class, oFrame2);
            oText.insertTextContent(oCursor,second, false);
            second.getText().setString("Frame 2");
            oText.insertString( oCursor,
                "SwXTextRanges...SwXTextRanges...SwXTextRanges", false);
            oText.insertControlCharacter( oCursor,
                ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            oText.insertString( oCursor,
                "bla...bla...", false);
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            second.getText().setString("Frame 2");
            oText.insertString( oCursor,
                "SwXTextRanges...SwXTextRanges...SwXTextRanges", false);
            oText.insertControlCharacter( oCursor,
                ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
            oText.insertString( oCursor,
                "bla...bla...", false);
        } catch (Exception Ex ) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't insert text table ", Ex);
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                    // Access the XText interface of the text contained within the frame
                    XText xFrameText = xFrame.getText();
                    // Create a TextCursor over the frame's contents
                    XTextCursor xFrameCursor = xFrameText.createTextCursor();
                    // Insert some text into the frame
                            xFrameCursor, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", false );
                            xFrameCursor, "\nThe second line in the new text frame.", false );
                    // Insert a paragraph break into the document (not the frame)
                    mxDocText.insertControlCharacter (
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                    // Create a TextCursor over the frame's contents
                    XTextCursor xFrameCursor = xFrameText.createTextCursor();
                    // Insert some text into the frame
                            xFrameCursor, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", false );
                            xFrameCursor, "\nThe second line in the new text frame.", false );
                    // Insert a paragraph break into the document (not the frame)
                    mxDocText.insertControlCharacter (
                            mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
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        try {
            xTextCursor = ( xTextDocument.getText().createTextCursor();
            XText xText = (XText) xTextDocument.getText();
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "He nervously looked all around. Suddenly he saw his ", false );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "neighbour ", true );
            XPropertySet xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character
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            xTextCursor = ( xTextDocument.getText().createTextCursor();
            XText xText = (XText) xTextDocument.getText();
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "He nervously looked all around. Suddenly he saw his ", false );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "neighbour ", true );
            XPropertySet xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
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            XPropertySet xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "in the alley. Like lightening he darted off to the left and disappeared between the two warehouses almost falling over the trash can lying in the ", false  );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "centre ", true );
            xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false)// Go to last character
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            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false); // Go to last character
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "in the alley. Like lightening he darted off to the left and disappeared between the two warehouses almost falling over the trash can lying in the ", false  );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "centre ", true );
            xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false)// Go to last character
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
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            xCPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xTextCursor );
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 255 ) );// Set the word blue
            xTextCursor.gotoEnd(false)// Go to last character
            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "of the sidewalk.", false );
            xText.insertControlCharacter( xTextCursor,, false );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "He tried to nervously tap his way along in the inky darkness and suddenly stiffened: it was a dead-end, he would have to go back the way he had come.", false );
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            xCPS.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", new Integer( 0 ) );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "of the sidewalk.", false );
            xText.insertControlCharacter( xTextCursor,, false );
            xText.insertString( xTextCursor, "He tried to nervously tap his way along in the inky darkness and suddenly stiffened: it was a dead-end, he would have to go back the way he had come.", false );
        catch( Exception e) {
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