Method that attempts to create a service based on the service description information provided via constructor parameters.
This method:
creates an ActivateWrapper.ActivateDesc with the provided constructor parameter information for the desired service
retrieves the {@linkplain java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupID group identifier}associated with the provided shared group log.
invokes {@link ActivateWrapper#register(java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupID,com.sun.jini.start.ActivateWrapper.ActivateDesc,boolean,java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem) ActivateWrapper.register()} with the provided information.
obtains an inner proxy by calling {@link java.rmi.activation.ActivationID#activate(boolean) activate(true)} on the object returned from ActivateWrapper.register(), which also activates the service instance.
obtains the service proxy in the following order of precedence:
if the inner proxy implements {@link ServiceProxyAccessor} then the return value of{@link ServiceProxyAccessor#getServiceProxy() getServiceProxy}is used
@return a {@link com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor.Created Created} object that contains the group identifier, activation ID, andproxy associated with the newly created service instance.
@throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if there was any problem creating the object.
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