Transaction handles are free-threaded; transactions handles may be used concurrently by multiple threads.
Cursors may not span transactions; that is, each cursor must be opened and closed within a single transaction. The parent parameter is a placeholder for nested transactions, and must currently be null.
@param txnConfig The transaction attributes. If null, defaultattributes are used. @return The newly created transaction's handle. @throws if the Masterin a replicated environment could not contact a quorum of replicas as determined by the {@link ReplicaAckPolicy}. @throws if a replicain a replicated environment cannot become consistent within the timeout period. @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal orenvironment-wide failure occurs. @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is not a transactionalenvironment. @throws IllegalStateException if this handle or the underlyingenvironment has been closed. @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,for example, an invalid {@code TransactionConfig} parameter.