Package com.jme3.math

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    Vector2f TestVector = new Vector2f(Point.subtract(m_PointA));
    return; //.x*m_Normal.x + TestVector.y*m_Normal.y;//DotProduct(TestVector,m_Normal);


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    // compute dot product of our MotionVector and the normalized cell wall
    // this gives us the magnatude of our motion along the wall

    float DotResult =;

    // our projected vector is then the normalized wall vector times our new
    // found magnatude
    MotionVector = WallNormal.mult(DotResult);
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                Vector3f newNormal = tmpV1.crossLocal(tmpV2);

                // Dot old and new face normal
                // If < 0 then more than 90 degree difference
                if ( < 0.0f) {
                    // Don't do it!
                    return NEVER_COLLAPSE_COST;
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                        Vector3f otherBorderEdge = tmpV2.set(src.position).subtractLocal(neighbor.position);
                        // This time, the nearer the dot is to -1, the better, because that means
                        // the edges are opposite each other, therefore less kinkiness
                        // Scale into [0..1]
                        float kinkiness = ( + 1.002f) * 0.5f;
                        cost = Math.max(cost, kinkiness);
        } else { // not a border
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                if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1)
                        < ZERO_TOLERANCE) {
                            "Normal and binormal are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex);
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                        < ZERO_TOLERANCE) {
                            "Normal and binormal are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex);

                if (Math.abs(Math.abs( - 1)
                        < ZERO_TOLERANCE) {
                            "Tangent and binormal are parallel for vertex {0}.", blameVertex);
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        } else {
            planeNormal = nextPos.subtract(currPos).normalizeLocal();
        float D =;// D = -(Ax + By + Cz)

        // now we need to compute paralell cast of each bevel point on the plane, the leading line is already known
        // parametric equation of a line: x = px + vx * t; y = py + vy * t; z = pz + vz * t
        // where p = currPos and v = directionVector
        // using x, y and z in plane equation we get value of 't' that will allow us to compute the point where plane and line cross
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        // now we need to compute paralell cast of each bevel point on the plane, the leading line is already known
        // parametric equation of a line: x = px + vx * t; y = py + vy * t; z = pz + vz * t
        // where p = currPos and v = directionVector
        // using x, y and z in plane equation we get value of 't' that will allow us to compute the point where plane and line cross
        float temp =;
        for (int i = 0; i < bevel.length; ++i) {
            float t = -([i]) + D) / temp;
            if (fixUpAxis) {
                bevel[i] = new Vector3f(bevel[i].x + directionVector.x * t, bevel[i].y + directionVector.y * t, bevel[i].z + directionVector.z * t);
            } else {
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        // parametric equation of a line: x = px + vx * t; y = py + vy * t; z = pz + vz * t
        // where p = currPos and v = directionVector
        // using x, y and z in plane equation we get value of 't' that will allow us to compute the point where plane and line cross
        float temp =;
        for (int i = 0; i < bevel.length; ++i) {
            float t = -([i]) + D) / temp;
            if (fixUpAxis) {
                bevel[i] = new Vector3f(bevel[i].x + directionVector.x * t, bevel[i].y + directionVector.y * t, bevel[i].z + directionVector.z * t);
            } else {
                bevel[i] = new Vector3f(bevel[i].x + directionVector.x * t, -bevel[i].z + directionVector.z * t, bevel[i].y + directionVector.y * t);
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     * @return points of transformed bevel
    private Vector3f[] transformToFirstLineOfBevelPoints(Vector3f[] startingLinePoints, Vector3f firstCurvePoint, Vector3f secondCurvePoint) {
        Vector3f planeNormal = secondCurvePoint.subtract(firstCurvePoint).normalizeLocal();

        float angle = FastMath.acos(;
        planeNormal.crossLocal(Vector3f.UNIT_Y).normalizeLocal();// planeNormal is the rotation axis now
        Quaternion pointRotation = new Quaternion();
        pointRotation.fromAngleAxis(angle, planeNormal);

        Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
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