Package com.foundationdb.ais.model

Examples of com.foundationdb.ais.model.TestAISBuilder.indexColumn()

        builder.column("schema", "state", "name", 1, "MCOMPAT", "varchar", 50L, null, false);
        builder.table("schema", "customer2");
        builder.column("schema", "customer2", "customer_id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "int unsigned", false);
        builder.column("schema", "customer2", "customer_name", 1, "MCOMPAT", "VARCHAR", 64L, null,  false);"schema", "customer2");
        builder.indexColumn("schema", "customer2", Index.PRIMARY, "customer_id", 0, true, null);
        builder.createGroup("group", "schema");
        builder.addJoinToGroup("group", "co", 0);
        builder.addJoinToGroup("group", "oi", 0);
        builder.createGroup("state", "schema");
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        TestAISBuilder builder = new TestAISBuilder(TestTypesRegistry.MCOMPAT);
        builder.table("schema", "customer");
        builder.column("schema", "customer", "customer_id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "int", false);
        builder.column("schema", "customer", "customer_name", 1, "MCOMPAT", "varchar", 64L, null, false);"schema", "customer");
        builder.indexColumn("schema", "customer", Index.PRIMARY, "customer_id", 0, true, null);
        builder.table("schema", "order");
        builder.column("schema", "order", "order_id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "int", false);
        builder.column("schema", "order", "customer_id", 1, "MCOMPAT", "int", false);
        builder.column("schema", "order", "order_date", 2, "MCOMPAT", "int", false);"schema", "order");
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        TypesRegistry typesRegistry = TestTypesRegistry.MCOMPAT;
        TestAISBuilder builder = new TestAISBuilder(typesRegistry);
        builder.table("s", "t");
        builder.column ("s", "t", "c1", 0, "MCOMPAT", "int", false);"s", "t");
        builder.indexColumn("s", "t", "PRIMARY", "c1", 0, true, 0);
        return builder.akibanInformationSchema();
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        String table = "bar";
        builder.table(schema, table);
        builder.column(schema, table, "col", 0, "MCOMPAT", "BIGINT", false);
        builder.column(schema, table, "name", 1, "MCOMPAT", "INT", false);, table);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, Index.PRIMARY, "col", 0, true, null);
        builder.createGroup(table, schema);

        schema = "test";
        String childTable = table + "2";
        String indexName = "foo_name";
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        String indexName = "name_value";
        builder.table(schema, table);
        builder.column(schema, table, "name", 0, "MCOMPAT", "VARCHAR", 32L, null, true);
        builder.column(schema, table, "value", 1, "MCOMPAT", "DECIMAL", 10L, 2L, true);
        builder.unique(schema, table, indexName);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, indexName, "name", 0, true, null);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, indexName, "value", 1, true, null);
        builder.createGroup(table, schema);
        builder.addTableToGroup(table, schema, table);
        // no defined pk
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        builder.table(schema, table);
        builder.column(schema, table, "name", 0, "MCOMPAT", "VARCHAR", 32L, null, true);
        builder.column(schema, table, "value", 1, "MCOMPAT", "DECIMAL", 10L, 2L, true);
        builder.unique(schema, table, indexName);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, indexName, "name", 0, true, null);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, indexName, "value", 1, true, null);
        builder.createGroup(table, schema);
        builder.addTableToGroup(table, schema, table);
        // no defined pk
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        String schema = "zzz";
        String table = schema + "1";
        builder.table(schema, table);
        builder.column(schema, table, "id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "INT", false);, table);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, Index.PRIMARY, "id", 0, true, null);
        builder.createGroup(table, schema);

        String childTable = schema + "2";
        builder.table(schema, childTable);
        builder.column(schema, childTable, "id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "INT", false);
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        String childTable = schema + "2";
        builder.table(schema, childTable);
        builder.column(schema, childTable, "id", 0, "MCOMPAT", "INT", false);
        builder.column(schema, childTable, "one_id", 1, "MCOMPAT", "INT", true);, childTable);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, childTable, Index.PRIMARY, "id", 0, true, null);

        String joinName = childTable + "/" + table;
        builder.joinTables(joinName, schema, table, schema, childTable);
        builder.joinColumns(joinName, schema, table, "id", schema, childTable, "one_id");
        builder.addJoinToGroup(table, joinName, 0);
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        String table = "seq-table";
        sequence = "_col_sequence";
        builder.table(schema, table);
        builder.column(schema, table, "col", 0, "MCOMPAT", "BIGINT", false);, table);
        builder.indexColumn(schema, table, Index.PRIMARY, "col", 0, true, null);
        builder.sequence(schema, sequence, 1, 1, 0, 1000, false);
        builder.columnAsIdentity(schema, table, "col", sequence, true);
        builder.createGroup(table, schema);
        builder.addTableToGroup(table, schema, table);
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            String schema = "test";
            String table = "parent";
            builder.table(schema, table);
            builder.column(schema, table, "col1", 0, "MCOMPAT", "BIGINT", null, false, null, null);
  , table);
            builder.indexColumn(schema, table, Index.PRIMARY, "col1", 0, true, null);
            builder.createGroup(table, schema);
            builder.addTableToGroup(table, schema, table);
            table = "child";
            builder.table(schema, table);
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