advForm.addCheckBox( ENABLEDATABINDING, "(implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface on all generated types)" );
advForm.addTextField( URLKEY, "configuration key to use in the code generation to read the default URL value",
XForm.FieldType.URL );
advForm.addTextField( BASEURL, "base url to use when calculating the url fragment", XForm.FieldType.URL );
XForm httpForm = builder.createForm( "HTTP settings" );
httpForm.addTextField( USERNAME, "username to access the WSDL-URI", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
httpForm.addTextField( PASSWORD, "password to access the WSDL-URI", XForm.FieldType.PASSWORD );
httpForm.addTextField( DOMAIN, "domain to access the WSDL-URI", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
httpForm.addTextField( PROXY, "username to access the WSDL-URI", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
httpForm.addTextField( PROXYUSERNAME, "proxy username to access the WSDL-URI", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );