Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.util.html

Examples of com.bbn.openmap.layer.util.html.HtmlListElement.addElement()

        // sos.write(imageData);

        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Number Of Primitives: " + si.getNumberOfPrimitives());
        int nodesInTree = si.getNodesInTree();
        list.addElement("Nodes in Tree: " + nodesInTree);
        list.addElement("Bounding Rectangle: (" + si.getBoundingX1() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY1() + ") - (" + si.getBoundingX2() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY2() + ")");
        TableRowElement columnNames = new TableRowElement();
        columnNames.addElement(new TableHeaderElement("Primitive ID"));
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        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Number Of Primitives: " + si.getNumberOfPrimitives());
        int nodesInTree = si.getNodesInTree();
        list.addElement("Nodes in Tree: " + nodesInTree);
        list.addElement("Bounding Rectangle: (" + si.getBoundingX1() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY1() + ") - (" + si.getBoundingX2() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY2() + ")");
        TableRowElement columnNames = new TableRowElement();
        columnNames.addElement(new TableHeaderElement("Primitive ID"));
        columnNames.addElement(new TableHeaderElement("x1"));
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                             HttpServletResponse response, DcwSpatialIndex si)
            throws FormatException, IOException {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<H3>General Spatial Index Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Number Of Primitives: " + si.getNumberOfPrimitives());
        int nodesInTree = si.getNodesInTree();
        list.addElement("Nodes in Tree: " + nodesInTree);
        list.addElement("Bounding Rectangle: (" + si.getBoundingX1() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY1() + ") - (" + si.getBoundingX2() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY2() + ")");
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        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<H3>General Spatial Index Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Number Of Primitives: " + si.getNumberOfPrimitives());
        int nodesInTree = si.getNodesInTree();
        list.addElement("Nodes in Tree: " + nodesInTree);
        list.addElement("Bounding Rectangle: (" + si.getBoundingX1() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY1() + ") - (" + si.getBoundingX2() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY2() + ")");
        out.println("<H3>Spatial Index Data</H3>");
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        out.println("<H3>General Spatial Index Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Number Of Primitives: " + si.getNumberOfPrimitives());
        int nodesInTree = si.getNodesInTree();
        list.addElement("Nodes in Tree: " + nodesInTree);
        list.addElement("Bounding Rectangle: (" + si.getBoundingX1() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY1() + ") - (" + si.getBoundingX2() + ", "
                + si.getBoundingY2() + ")");
        out.println("<H3>Spatial Index Data</H3>");
        TableRowElement columnNames = new TableRowElement();
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                + "/VPFHelp.jsp?topic=table_schema");
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<H2>Table Schema</H2>");
        out.println("<H3>General Table Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Table Name: " + foo.getTableName());
        list.addElement("Table Description: " + foo.getDescription());
        list.addElement("DocFile Name: "
                + fileURL(request,
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        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<H2>Table Schema</H2>");
        out.println("<H3>General Table Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Table Name: " + foo.getTableName());
        list.addElement("Table Description: " + foo.getDescription());
        list.addElement("DocFile Name: "
                + fileURL(request,
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        out.println("<H2>Table Schema</H2>");
        out.println("<H3>General Table Information</H3>");
        HtmlListElement list = new HtmlListElement();
        list.addElement("Table Name: " + foo.getTableName());
        list.addElement("Table Description: " + foo.getDescription());
        list.addElement("DocFile Name: "
                + fileURL(request,
        int reclen = foo.getRecordLength();
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        int reclen = foo.getRecordLength();
        String reclenstr = (reclen == -1) ? ("variable")
                : (Integer.toString(reclen) + " bytes");
        list.addElement("Record Length: " + reclenstr);
        try {
            list.addElement("Record Count: " + foo.getRecordCount());
        } catch ( fe) {
            list.addElement("Record Count Error: " + fe.toString());
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        int reclen = foo.getRecordLength();
        String reclenstr = (reclen == -1) ? ("variable")
                : (Integer.toString(reclen) + " bytes");
        list.addElement("Record Length: " + reclenstr);
        try {
            list.addElement("Record Count: " + foo.getRecordCount());
        } catch ( fe) {
            list.addElement("Record Count Error: " + fe.toString());
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