if(applicationName==null || applicationName.length()==0)
throw new RuntimeException("completeURLFromString: found ADAPTOR_PREFIX_MARKER and no application name to replace it - original text:"+s);
NSArray a=NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(s, ADAPTOR_PREFIX_MARKER);
// BIG ASSUMPTION : the target application must have the same suffix as this application
String postFix=c.request().adaptorPrefix()+"/"+applicationName;
s= a.componentsJoinedByString(relative ? postFix : applicationHostUrl()+postFix);
if(s!=null && s.indexOf(SUFFIX_MARKER)!=-1) {
NSArray a=NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(s, SUFFIX_MARKER);
// BIG ASSUMPTION : the target application must have the same suffix as this application
String postFix=suffix!=null ? suffix : "";