for ( int i = 0; i < localIndex.length; i++ ) {
hasCounts = hasCounts && localIndex[ i ].hasCounts;
hasPositions = hasPositions && localIndex[ i ].hasPositions;
if ( i == 0 ) payload = localIndex[ i ].payload;
if ( ( payload == null ) != ( localIndex[ i ].payload == null ) || payload != null && ! payload.compatibleWith( localIndex[ i ].payload ) ) throw new IllegalStateException( "The payload specification of index " + localIndex[ 0 ] + " is not compatible with that of index " + localIndex[ i ] );
// We stem the names of Bloom filters from the index basename.
BloomFilter[] termFilter = null;
if ( properties.getBoolean( DocumentalCluster.PropertyKeys.BLOOM ) ) {