Examples of clickSaveAndView()

Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.ProfileEditPage.clickSaveAndView()


        // Check that the information was updated
        Assert.assertEquals(USER_FIRST_NAME, this.customProfilePage.getUserFirstName());
        Assert.assertEquals(USER_LAST_NAME, this.customProfilePage.getUserLastName());
        Assert.assertEquals(USER_COMPANY, this.customProfilePage.getUserCompany());
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WYSIWYGEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Save the number of available templates so that we can make some checks later on.
        int availableTemplateSize = createPagePage.getAvailableTemplateSize();
        String templateInstanceName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance";
        WYSIWYGEditPage templateInstanceEditWysiwyg =
            createPagePage.createPageFromTemplate(getTestClassName(), templateInstanceName, templateProviderFullName);
        WikiEditPage templateInstanceEdit = templateInstanceEditWysiwyg.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();

        // Verify template instance content
        Assert.assertEquals(templateInstanceName, templateInstanceEdit.getTitle());
        Assert.assertEquals(templateContent, templateInstanceEdit.getContent());
        // check the parent of the template instance
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WYSIWYGEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // select it
        // and create
        WYSIWYGEditPage unexistingPageEditWysiwyg = new WYSIWYGEditPage();
        WikiEditPage unexistingPageEdit = unexistingPageEditWysiwyg.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();

        // Verify template instance content
        Assert.assertEquals(TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", unexistingPageEdit.getTitle());
        Assert.assertEquals(templateContent, unexistingPageEdit.getContent());
        // test that this page has no parent
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WYSIWYGEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        WYSIWYGEditPage editEmptyPage = createEmptyPage.createPage(getTestClassName(), "EmptyPage");
        // wait to load editor to make sure that what we're saving is the content that is supposed to be in this
        // document
        ViewPage emptyPage = editEmptyPage.clickSaveAndView();
        // make sure it's empty
        Assert.assertEquals("", emptyPage.getContent());
        // make sure parent is the right one
        Assert.assertTrue(emptyPage.hasBreadcrumbContent("Wiki Home", false));
        // mare sure title is the right one
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WYSIWYGEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // 3/ create a page from a link in another page
        // we're in edit mode of the newly created page from template
        WYSIWYGEditPage editNewPageWysiwyg = new WYSIWYGEditPage();
        // sometimes this fails to find the edit button, for a reason for which I don't understand...
        WikiEditPage editNewPageWiki = editNewPageWysiwyg.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
        // put a link to the new page to create
        ViewPage newPage = editNewPageWiki.clickSaveAndView();
        // no templates are available, so we don't expect a panel with a list of templates, we just expect it goes
        // directly to edit mode of the new page
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WikiEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Create a doc
        WikiEditPage wep = new WikiEditPage();
        wep.switchToEdit("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject");
        wep.setContent("this is the content");
        ViewPage vp = wep.clickSaveAndView();

        // Add an XWikiGroups object
        ObjectEditPage oep = vp.editObjects();
        vp = oep.clickSaveAndView();
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WikiEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Create a second page to hold the Object and set its content
        WikiEditPage wep = new WikiEditPage();
        wep.switchToEdit("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject");
        wep.setContent("this is the content");
        ViewPage vp = wep.clickSaveAndView();

        // Add an object of the class created and set the value to be the test page
        ObjectEditPage oep = vp.editObjects();
        FormElement objectForm = oep.addObject("Test.EditObjectsTestClass");
        objectForm.setFieldValue(By.id("Test.EditObjectsTestClass_0_prop"), "Test.EditObjectsTestClass");
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WikiEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Create class page
        WikiEditPage wep = new WikiEditPage();
        wep.switchToEdit("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass");
        wep.setContent("this is the content");
        ViewPage vp = wep.clickSaveAndView();

        // Add class
        ClassEditPage cep = vp.editClass();
        cep.addProperty("prop", "com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.NumberClass");
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WikiEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Create object page
        wep = new WikiEditPage();
        wep.switchToEdit("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject");
        wep.setContent("this is the content: {{velocity}}$doc.display('prop'){{/velocity}}");
        vp = wep.clickSaveAndView();

        // Add object
        ObjectEditPage oep = vp.editObjects();
        FormElement objectForm = oep.addObject("Test.EditObjectsTestClass");
        objectForm.setFieldValue(By.id("Test.EditObjectsTestClass_0_prop"), "3");
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.editor.WikiEditPage.clickSaveAndView()

        // Create class page
        WikiEditPage wep = new WikiEditPage();
        wep.switchToEdit("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass");
        wep.setContent("this is the content");
        ViewPage vp = wep.clickSaveAndView();

        // Add class
        ClassEditPage cep = vp.editClass();
        cep.addProperty("prop", "com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass");
        StaticListClassEditElement slcee = cep.getStaticListClassEditElement("prop");
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