you can control the consistency checks that are performed when {@link #checkConsistency()} is called with the {@link #setConsistencyChecks(CHECK_CATEGORY,boolean)} method.It will fill this {@link SBMLDocument}'s {@link #listOfErrors}with {@link SBMLError}s for each problem within this whole data structure. You will then be able to obtain this list by calling {@link #getError(int)} or {@link #getListOfErrors()}.
If this method returns a nonzero value (meaning, one or more consistency checks have failed for SBML document), the failures may be due to warnings @em or errors. Callers should inspect the severity flag in the individual SBMLError objects returned by {@link SBMLDocument#getError(int)} to determine the nature of the failures.
@return the number of errors found
@see #setConsistencyChecks(CHECK_CATEGORY,boolean)