NOTE: this method does not need to perform the actual authentication!
For example, for an implementation that authenticates a user based on its username and password might check whether the given context information consists of two strings.
@param context the context information to check, should never benull
or anempty array.
@return true
if this authentication processor can handle the given contextinformation, false
@throws IllegalArgumentException in case the given context was null
or an empty array;
@throws NullPointerException in case the given array contains null
as element(s).
when this type should be able to be handled by this recognizer;false
if this listener supportsthe given artifact, false
Can be used to perform checks against schema to ensure that the propery accessor will actually work with the provided instance.
@param object The target object. @param xpath An xpath expression denoting a property of the target object. @returntrue
if the property can be accessed, otherwise false
A common check in this method would be to check the namespace of the element.
@param elementName The name of the element to potentially handle. @return True if this delegate handles elements of the specified name and shouldtake over parsing. @deprecated This method is deprecated and {@link ParserDelegate2#canHandle(QName,Attributes,Handler)} should be used. After one major release cycle ParserDelegate2 methods will be pulled into this interface and this method will be removed. In preparation implementations should implement both interfaces.