The returned object is then fed into the {@link #compareRemoteRevisionWith(AbstractProject,Launcher,FilePath,TaskListener,SCMRevisionState)} methodas the baseline {@link SCMRevisionState} to determine if the build is necessary.
This method is called after source code is checked out for the given build (that is, after {@link SCM#checkout(AbstractBuild,Launcher,FilePath,BuildListener,File)} has finished successfully.)
The obtained object is added to the build as an {@link Action} for later retrieval. As an optimization,{@link SCM} implementation can choose to compute {@link SCMRevisionState} and add it as an actionduring check out, in which case this method will not called. @param build The calculated {@link SCMRevisionState} is for the files checked out in this build. Never null.If {@link #requiresWorkspaceForPolling()} returns true, Hudson makes sure that the workspace of thisbuild is available and accessible by the callee. @param launcher Abstraction of the machine where the polling will take place. If SCM declares that {@linkplain #requiresWorkspaceForPolling() the polling doesn't require a workspace}, this parameter is null. Otherwise never null. @param listener Logs during the polling should be sent here. @return can be null. @throws InterruptedException interruption is usually caused by the user aborting the computation. this exception should be simply propagated all the way up.