//Calculating blackForwardVolatility between 12 days after today and 16 days after today with strike as 20
forwardVolatility1 = varianceSurface.blackForwardVol(date12.clone(), date16.clone(), 20, true);
System.out.println("Interpolated BlackForwardVolatility on BlackVarianceSurface = "+forwardVolatility1);
//Calculating blackForwardVolatility between 22 days after today and 26 days after today with strike as 40
forwardVolatility2 = varianceSurface.blackForwardVol(date22.clone(), date26.clone(), 40, true);
System.out.println("Interpolated BlackForwardVolatility on BlackVarianceSurface = "+forwardVolatility2);
//Calculating blackForwardVolatility between 27 days after today and 35 days after today with strike as 50
forwardVolatility3 = varianceSurface.blackForwardVol(date27.clone(), date35.clone(), 50, true);
System.out.println("Interpolated BlackForwardVolatility on BlackVarianceSurface = "+forwardVolatility3);