M�todo para iniciar o processo de renomeamento em batch
@return verdadeiro caso n�o tenha acontecido erro algum durante o processo
Execute a batch of SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries.
@param conn The Connection to use to run the query. The caller isresponsible for closing this Connection.
@param sql The SQL to execute.
@param params An array of query replacement parameters. Each row inthis array is one set of batch replacement values.
@return The number of rows updated per statement.
@throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
@since DbUtils 1.1
Execute a batch of SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries.
@param conn The Connection to use to run the query. The caller isresponsible for closing this Connection.
@param sql The SQL to execute.
@param params An array of query replacement parameters. Each row inthis array is one set of batch replacement values.
@return The number of rows updated per statement.
@throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
@since DbUtils 1.1
Method that does a batch call on Deletes, Gets, Puts, Increments, Appends and RowMutations. The ordering of execution of the actions is not defined. Meaning if you do a Put and a Get in the same {@link #batch} call, you will not necessarily beguaranteed that the Get returns what the Put had put.
@param actions list of Get, Put, Delete, Increment, Append, RowMutations objects
@param results Empty Object[], same size as actions. Provides access to partialresults, in case an exception is thrown. A null in the result array means that the call for that action failed, even after retries
@throws IOException
@since 0.90.0
Method that does a batch call on Deletes, Gets, Puts, Increments and Appends. The ordering of execution of the actions is not defined. Meaning if you do a Put and a Get in the same {@link #batch} call, you will not necessarily beguaranteed that the Get returns what the Put had put.
@param actions list of Get, Put, Delete, Increment, Append objects
@param results Empty Object[], same size as actions. Provides access to partialresults, in case an exception is thrown. A null in the result array means that the call for that action failed, even after retries
@throws IOException
@since 0.90.0
Return a CompositeKnowledgeBuilder allowing to add multiple Resources at the same time, without worrying about cross dependencies among them.
Begin a batch of requests to perform various operations. Use this approach when multiple operations are to be built and then executed with one submission to the underlying {@link #getSourceName() repository source}. The {@link Results results}are not available until the {@link Batch#execute()} method is invoked.
@return the batch object used to build and accumulate multiple requests and to submit them all for processing at once.
@see Batch#execute()
@see Results
Create a batch statement to execute a set of queries in batch mode (without bind values).
This essentially runs the following logic: Statement s = connection.createStatement(); for (Query query : queries) { s.addBatch(query.getSQL(true)); } s.execute();
@see Statement#executeBatch()