instances in a List
@return List
containing Header
If this method has ever been called on a given {@code AttributeList} instance, a subsequent attempt to addan object to that instance which is not an {@code Attribute}will fail with a {@code IllegalArgumentException}. For compatibility reasons, an {@code AttributeList} on which this method has neverbeen called does allow objects other than {@code Attribute}s to be added.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if this {@code AttributeList} containsan element that is not an {@code Attribute}. @since 1.6The returned list is unmodifiable because changes to the values of the list (using {@link java.util.ListIterator#set(Object)}) will effectively remove the value from the list and reinsert that value at the end of the list, which is an unexpected side effect of changing the value of a list. This occurs because changing the key, changes when the mapping is added to the map and thus where it appears in the list.
An alternative to this method is to use {@link #keySet()}. @see #keySet() @return The ordered list of keys.
This method builds this intervals set as an ordered list of {@link Interval Interval} elements. If the intervals set has nolower limit, the first interval will have its low bound equal to {@code Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}. If the intervals set has no upper limit, the last interval will have its upper bound equal to {@code Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}. An empty tree will build an empty list while a tree representing the whole real line will build a one element list with both bounds being infinite.
@return a new ordered list containing {@link Interval Interval}elementsThis method builds this arcs set as an ordered list of {@link Arc Arc} elements. An empty tree will build an empty listwhile a tree representing the whole circle will build a one element list with bounds set to \( 0 and 2 \pi \).
@return a new ordered list containing {@link Arc Arc} elements