Examples of areAllSet()

Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

      boolean unusedWarningTokenIsWarning = (severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) == 0;
      for (int iSuppress = 0, suppressCount = this.suppressWarningsCount; iSuppress < suppressCount; iSuppress++) {
        Annotation annotation = this.suppressWarningAnnotations[iSuppress];
        if (annotation == null) continue; // implicit annotation
        IrritantSet irritants = this.suppressWarningIrritants[iSuppress];
        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning && irritants.areAllSet()) continue; // @SuppressWarnings("all") also suppresses unused warning token
        if (irritants != foundIrritants[iSuppress]) { // mismatch, some warning tokens were unused
          MemberValuePair[] pairs = annotation.memberValuePairs();
          pairLoop: for (int iPair = 0, pairCount = pairs.length; iPair < pairCount; iPair++) {
            MemberValuePair pair = pairs[iPair];
            if (CharOperation.equals(pair.name, TypeConstants.VALUE)) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

                  for (int iToken = 0, tokenCount = inits.length; iToken < tokenCount; iToken++) {
                    Constant cst = inits[iToken].constant;
                    if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == TypeIds.T_JavaLangString) {
                      IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                      if (tokenIrritants != null
                          && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                          && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectively enabled
                          && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                          int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                          nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

              } else {
                Constant cst = value.constant;
                if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == T_JavaLangString) {
                  IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                  if (tokenIrritants != null
                      && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                      && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectively enabled
                      && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                    if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                      int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                      nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

      boolean unusedWarningTokenIsWarning = (severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) == 0;
      for (int iSuppress = 0, suppressCount = this.suppressWarningsCount; iSuppress < suppressCount; iSuppress++) {
        Annotation annotation = this.suppressWarningAnnotations[iSuppress];
        if (annotation == null) continue; // implicit annotation
        IrritantSet irritants = this.suppressWarningIrritants[iSuppress];
        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning && irritants.areAllSet()) continue; // @SuppressWarnings("all") also suppresses unused warning token
        if (irritants != foundIrritants[iSuppress]) { // mismatch, some warning tokens were unused
          MemberValuePair[] pairs = annotation.memberValuePairs();
          pairLoop: for (int iPair = 0, pairCount = pairs.length; iPair < pairCount; iPair++) {
            MemberValuePair pair = pairs[iPair];
            if (CharOperation.equals(pair.name, TypeConstants.VALUE)) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

                  for (int iToken = 0, tokenCount = inits.length; iToken < tokenCount; iToken++) {
                    Constant cst = inits[iToken].constant;
                    if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == TypeIds.T_JavaLangString) {
                      IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                      if (tokenIrritants != null
                          && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                          && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectevely enabled
                          && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                          int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                          nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

              } else {
                Constant cst = value.constant;
                if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == T_JavaLangString) {
                  IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                  if (tokenIrritants != null
                      && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                      && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectevely enabled
                      && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                    if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                      int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                      nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

      boolean unusedWarningTokenIsWarning = (severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) == 0;
      for (int iSuppress = 0, suppressCount = this.suppressWarningsCount; iSuppress < suppressCount; iSuppress++) {
        Annotation annotation = this.suppressWarningAnnotations[iSuppress];
        if (annotation == null) continue; // implicit annotation
        IrritantSet irritants = this.suppressWarningIrritants[iSuppress];
        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning && irritants.areAllSet()) continue; // @SuppressWarnings("all") also suppresses unused warning token
        if (irritants != foundIrritants[iSuppress]) { // mismatch, some warning tokens were unused
          MemberValuePair[] pairs = annotation.memberValuePairs();
          pairLoop: for (int iPair = 0, pairCount = pairs.length; iPair < pairCount; iPair++) {
            MemberValuePair pair = pairs[iPair];
            if (CharOperation.equals(pair.name, TypeConstants.VALUE)) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

                  for (int iToken = 0, tokenCount = inits.length; iToken < tokenCount; iToken++) {
                    Constant cst = inits[iToken].constant;
                    if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == TypeIds.T_JavaLangString) {
                      IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                      if (tokenIrritants != null
                          && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                          && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectively enabled
                          && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                          int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                          nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

              } else {
                Constant cst = value.constant;
                if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.typeID() == T_JavaLangString) {
                  IrritantSet tokenIrritants = CompilerOptions.warningTokenToIrritants(cst.stringValue());
                  if (tokenIrritants != null
                      && !tokenIrritants.areAllSet() // no complaint against @SuppressWarnings("all")
                      && options.isAnyEnabled(tokenIrritants) // if irritant is effectively enabled
                      && (foundIrritants[iSuppress] == null || !foundIrritants[iSuppress].isAnySet(tokenIrritants))) { // if irritant had no matching problem
                    if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning) {
                      int start = value.sourceStart, end = value.sourceEnd;
                      nextSuppress: for (int jSuppress = iSuppress - 1; jSuppress >= 0; jSuppress--) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet.areAllSet()

      boolean unusedWarningTokenIsWarning = (severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) == 0;
      for (int iSuppress = 0, suppressCount = this.suppressWarningsCount; iSuppress < suppressCount; iSuppress++) {
        Annotation annotation = this.suppressWarningAnnotations[iSuppress];
        if (annotation == null) continue; // implicit annotation
        IrritantSet irritants = this.suppressWarningIrritants[iSuppress];
        if (unusedWarningTokenIsWarning && irritants.areAllSet()) continue; // @SuppressWarnings("all") also suppresses unused warning token
        if (irritants != foundIrritants[iSuppress]) { // mismatch, some warning tokens were unused
          MemberValuePair[] pairs = annotation.memberValuePairs();
          pairLoop: for (int iPair = 0, pairCount = pairs.length; iPair < pairCount; iPair++) {
            MemberValuePair pair = pairs[iPair];
            if (CharOperation.equals(pair.name, TypeConstants.VALUE)) {
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