This method causes the office window to be displayed. If no document is loaded and the instance is added to a Java container that is showing, then this method needs not to be called. If later one of the methods {@link #loadFromURL loadFromURL}, {@link #loadFromStream loadFromStream1}, or {@link #loadFromByteArray loadFromByteArray}is called, then the document is automatically displayed. Should one of the load methods have been called before the Java container was showing, then this method needs to be called after the container window was made visible (java.lang.Component.setVisible(true)).
Another scenario is that a OOoBean contains a document and is removed from a Java container and later added again. Then aquireSystemWindow needs to be called after the container window is displayed.
@throws SystemWindowException if no system window can be aquired.
@throws NoConnectionException if the connection is not established.