//Render the info text alongside the driveable
drawString(fontRendererObj, recipeName , guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 64, 0xffffff);
drawString(fontRendererObj, "Cargo Slots : " + selectedType.numCargoSlots, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 74, 0xffffff);
drawString(fontRendererObj, "Bomb Slots : " + selectedType.numBombSlots, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 84, 0xffffff);
drawString(fontRendererObj, "Passengers : " + selectedType.numPassengers, guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 94, 0xffffff);
drawString(fontRendererObj, "Guns : " + (selectedType.ammoSlots()), guiOriginX + 82, guiOriginY + 104, 0xffffff);
drawString(fontRendererObj, selectedType.numEngines() + "x", guiOriginX + 100, guiOriginY + 141, 0xffffff);
//Create a temporary copy of the player inventory in order to work out whether the player has each of the itemstacks required
InventoryPlayer temporaryInventory = new InventoryPlayer(null);