@param currentCID 当前ConsumerId
@param mqAll 当前Topic的所有队列集合,无重复数据,且有序
@param cidAll 当前订阅组的所有Consumer集合,无重复数据,且有序
@return 分配结果,无重复数据
Allocates the next id.
Allocates the block for a query.
Once a guest network has been designed, virtual machines can be created. allocated() is called for the NetworkGuru to design a nic that will make the virtual machine work within the guest network.
@param network guest network that the virtual machine will be deployed in.
@param nic nic information that the end user wants to set. TheNetworkGuru should check this information with the guest network settings to make sure everything will work.
@param vm virtual machine that is about to be deployed.
@return NicProfile nic with all of the information
@throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException if there'sinsufficient capacity within the guest network.
@throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException if there are not addressesto be assigned.
Allocate an uninitialized block - writable - call only inside a update sequence. If blockSize is -1, means "default/fixed size" for this BlockMgr
Allocates given amount of memory (in bytes) from pool and returns pointer on allocated memory or {@link #NULL_POINTER} if thereis no enough memory in pool.
@param size Size that is needed to be allocated.
@return Pointer to the allocated memory.
Allocate a record of at least size "size". The actual size allocated will be a multiple of the block size and may be larger than requested. The actual size allocated can be determined by inspecting the returned records capacity().
Allocate this Voice. It loads the lexicon and the audio output handler, and creates an audio output thread by invoking createOutputThread()
, if one is not already created. It then calls the loader()
method to load Voice-specific data, which include utterance processors.
Allocates the dictionary
@throws IOException if there is trouble loading the dictionary
Allocate the resources needed for the recognizer. Note this method make take some time to complete. This method should only be called when the recognizer is in the deallocated
@throws IllegalStateException if the recognizer is not in the DEALLOCATED
Provides a hint to the implementation that the application will need additional
sequence value objects in short order. There is no externally visible behavior of this method. It is used to potentially improve the efficiency of the algorithm of obtaining additional sequence value objects.
@param additional the number of additional values to allocate
Allocate a name from the pool, or a new Name if there is not a matching one there
@param prefix the namespace prefix. Use "" for the null prefix, representing the absent namespace
@param uri the namespace URI. Use "" or null for the non-namespace.
@param localName the local part of the name
@return an integer (the "namecode") identifying the name within the namepool.The Name itself may be retrieved using the getName(int) method
Allocates a free page that you can write data to.
@return a newly allocated page.
@throws IOException If an disk error occurred.
@throws IllegalStateException if the PageFile is not loaded
Allocate an initialized instance of this Servlet that is ready to have its service()
method called. If the servlet class does not implement SingleThreadModel
, the (only) initialized instance may be returned immediately. If the servlet class implements SingleThreadModel
, the Wrapper implementation must ensure that this instance is not allocated again until it is deallocated by a call to deallocate()
@exception ServletException if the servlet init() method threwan exception
@exception ServletException if a loading error occurs
Reserve a number of bytes on the server for the next file transfer.
@param bytes The number of bytes which the server should allocate.
@return True if successfully completed, false if not.
@exception FTPConnectionClosedException If the FTP server prematurely closes the connection as a result of the client being idle or some other reason causing the server to send FTP reply code 421. This exception may be caught either as an IOException or independently as itself.
@exception IOException If an I/O error occurs while either sending acommand to the server or receiving a reply from the server.
Allocates and returns a {@link MemoryBuffer} with {@link MemoryBuffer#capacity()} set to the given size.When the allocation fails, it returns either null or throws an {@link BufferOverflowException}, depending on the implementation.
@param size : the size in byte to allocate
@return a {@link MemoryBuffer} of the given size, or either return null or throw an {@link BufferOverflowException} when the allocation fails.
Allocates and returns a {@link ByteBuffer} with {@link ByteBuffer#limit()} set to the given size.When the allocation fails, it returns either null or throws an {@link BufferOverflowException}, depending on the implementation.
@param size : the size in byte to allocate
@return a {@link ByteBuffer} of the given size, or either return null or throw an {@link BufferOverflowException} when the allocation fails.
The main interface between an ApplicationMaster
and the ResourceManager
The ApplicationMaster
uses this interface to provide a list of {@link ResourceRequest} and returns unused {@link Container} allocated to it via {@link AllocateRequest}.
This also doubles up as a heartbeat to let the ResourceManager
know that the ApplicationMaster
is alive. Thus, applications should periodically make this call to be kept alive. The frequency depends on ??
The ResourceManager
responds with list of allocated {@link Container}, status of completed containers and headroom information for the application.
The ApplicationMaster
can use the available headroom (resources) to decide how to utilized allocated resources and make informed decisions about future resource requests.
@param request allocation request
@return allocation response
@throws YarnRemoteException
The main interface between an ApplicationMaster
and the ResourceManager
The ApplicationMaster
uses this interface to provide a list of {@link ResourceRequest} and returns unused {@link Container} allocated toit via {@link AllocateRequest}. Optionally, the ApplicationMaster
can also blacklist resources which it doesn't want to use.
This also doubles up as a heartbeat to let the ResourceManager
know that the ApplicationMaster
is alive. Thus, applications should periodically make this call to be kept alive. The frequency depends on {@link YarnConfiguration#RM_AM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS} which defaults to{@link YarnConfiguration#DEFAULT_RM_AM_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MS}.
The ResourceManager
responds with list of allocated {@link Container}, status of completed containers and headroom information for the application.
The ApplicationMaster
can use the available headroom (resources) to decide how to utilized allocated resources and make informed decisions about future resource requests.
@param request allocation request
@return allocation response
@throws YarnException
@throws IOException
@throws InvalidApplicationMasterRequestException This exception is thrown when an ApplicationMaster calls allocate without registering first.
@throws InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException This exception is thrown when an application provides an invalid specification for blacklist of resources.
@throws InvalidResourceRequestException This exception is thrown when a {@link ResourceRequest} is out ofthe range of the configured lower and upper limits on the resources.
@see AllocateRequest
@see AllocateResponse
Allocate a buffer of the given size. This method blocks if there is not enough memory and the buffer pool is configured with blocking mode.
@param size The buffer size to allocate in bytes
@return The buffer
@throws InterruptedException If the thread is interrupted while blocked
@throws IllegalArgumentException if size is larger than the total memory controlled by the pool (and hence we would blockforever)
@throws BufferExhaustedException if the pool is in non-blocking mode and size exceeds the free memory in the pool
Allocates a free page that you can write data to.
@return a newly allocated page.
@throws IOException If an disk error occurred.
@throws IllegalStateException if the PageFile is not loaded
Allocated {@link Buffer} of the required size.
@param size {@link Buffer} size to be allocated.
@return allocated {@link Buffer}.
Allocate a small integer which is unique in this program run.
@return The integer.
Allocate a name from the pool, or a new Name if there is not a matching one there
@param prefix the namespace prefix. Use "" for the null prefix, representing the absent namespace
@param uri the namespace URI. Use "" or null for the non-namespace.
@param localName the local part of the name
@return an integer (the "namecode") identifying the name within the namepool.The Name itself may be retrieved using the getName(int) method
Allocate chunk of memory. If memory already has allocated then fries current chunk and allocates new.
@param size size of chunk in bytes