Adds a schema being imported by the parser. This feature is useful, if a schema silently assumes the presence of additional datatypes. For example, a WSDL definition will contain references to SOAP datatypes without explicit import.
@param pNamespace Matches the "xs:import" nodes "namespace" attribute.In particular it may be null, in which case the imported schema may not have a targetNamespace. @param pSchemaLocation Matches the "xs:import" nodes "schemaLocation"attribute. In particular it may be null. @see #addImport(String,Node)Adds a schema being imported by the parser. This feature is useful, if a schema silently assumes the presence of additional datatypes. For example, a WSDL definition will contain references to SOAP datatypes without explicit import.
In practice, the declaration will silently create an "xs:import" node.
@param pNamespace Matches the "xs:import" nodes "namespace" attribute.In particular it may be null, in which case the imported schema may not have a targetNamespace. @param pSchemaLocation Matches the "xs:import" nodes "schemaLocation"attribute. In particular it may be null.Adds an ImportEntry to a Set @param importEntry -the importEntry
No imports are added for types that are already known. If a import for a type is recorded to be removed, this record is discarded instead.
The content of the compilation unit itself is actually not modified in any way by this method; rather, the rewriter just records that a new import has been added.
@param binding the signature of the type to be added. @return returns a type to which the type binding can be assigned to. The returned type contains is unqualifiedwhen an import could be added or was already known. It is fully qualified, if an import conflict prevented the import.