Registers an event listener that will be notified when an event of the specified {@link EventType} was firedwithin the App.
@param type the {@link EventType} of interest @param listener the listener that gets called when an event was fired within the App. @see AppListener In addition to the EventFilter
, the set of events reported will be further filtered by the access rights of the current Session
See {@link JackrabbitEventFilter} for a description of the filtering parameters available.
The filter of an already-registered EventListener
can be changed at runtime by re-registering the same EventListener
object (i.e. the same actual Java object) with a new filter. The implementation must ensure that no events are lost during the changeover.
In addition to the filters placed on a listener above, the scope of observation support, in terms of which parts of a workspace are observable, may also be subject to implementation-specific restrictions. For example, in some repositories observation of changes in the jcr:system
subgraph may not be supported.
@param listener an {@link EventListener} object.
@param filter an {@link JackrabbitEventFilter} object.
@throws RepositoryException If an error occurs.
Event listeners are notified about new events in the same order as they were registered. @param eventListener the listener to call whenever a manager event isreceived @see #removeEventListener(ManagerEventListener)
The specified event type is automatically enabled (see {@link #enableEventListener(String)}).
If this component has a default behavior associated to the specified event type, the listener is executed before this default behavior if before
parameter is true, otherwise is executed after.
Several listeners may be registered to the same event type.
@param type the event type to listen. @param listener the listener to be executed. @param before if true the listener is executed before the default behavior of the component. @see #removeEventListener(String,EventListener,boolean) @see #addEventListener(ClientDocument,String,EventListener,boolean)
with the document default communication mode and timeout, no extra parameters and no custom JavaScript code.
@param target target element. Can not be null.
@param type the DOM event type name (click, change etc).
@param listener the listener to receive events.
@param useCapture if event capture is enabled. False is the most portable value (MSIE v6 does not support event capture).
@see #addEventListener(,String,,boolean,int,org.itsnat.core.event.ParamTransport[],String,long)
@see ItsNatDocument#addEventListener(EventTarget,String,EventListener,boolean)
This method is not synchronized and must be called from a web request thread (in this context this method is thread safe because the ItsNat document is automatically synchronized).
Event listeners are dispatched using a web request thread, therefore the ItsNat document object is already synchronized and Java code can be the same as a normal event processing.
The event object used when dispatching the listener is a not a "real" DOM client event and most of methods have no meaning.
@param listener the listener to add. @see #removeEventListener(EventListener)
with the document default communication mode and timeout, no extra parameters and no custom JavaScript code.
@param target target element. Can not be null.
@param type the DOM event type name (click, change etc).
@param listener the listener to receive events.
@param useCapture if event capture is enabled. False is the most portable value (MSIE v6 does not support event capture).
@see #addEventListener(,String,,boolean,int,org.itsnat.core.event.ParamTransport[],String,long)
@see ClientDocument#addEventListener(EventTarget,String,EventListener,boolean)
The listener is called before calling any DOM event listener registered in documents based on this template. This listener registry is passive, in no way the client is modified (no listener is registered on the client) and usually used for monitoring.
@param listener the listener to add. @see #removeEventListener(EventListener) @see org.itsnat.core.ItsNatServlet#addEventListener(EventListener) @see org.itsnat.core.ItsNatDocument#addEventListener(EventListener)EventListener
is added to an EventTarget
which is currently processing an event the new listener will not be triggered by the current event. EventListener
s are registered on the same EventTarget
with the same parameters the duplicate instances are discarded. They do not cause the EventListener
to be called twice and since they are discarded they do not need to be removed with the removeEventListener
@param type The event type for which the user is registering
@param listener The listener
parameter takes an interface implemented by the user which contains the methods to be called when the event occurs.
@param useCapture If true, useCapture
indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered EventListener
before being dispatched to any EventTargets
beneath them in the tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger an EventListener
designated to use capture.
You could register listener to all components in the same page by use of {@link Page#addEventListener}. @param evtnm what event to listen (never null) @return whether the listener is added; false if it was added before @see Page#addEventListener
Due to performance consideration, unlike {@link Component#addEventListener}, all event listeners for the page are deferrable, no matter {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Deferrable} is implemented or not. @param evtnm what event to listen (never null) @return whether the listener is added; false if it was added before. @see Component#addEventListener
The onPaging event is sent with an instance of {@link org.zkoss.zul.event.PagingEvent} to notify which pageis selected. @param evtnm what event to listen (never null) @return whether the listener is added; false if it was added before @see org.zkoss.zul.event.PagingEvent
object to listen for SerialEvent
@param listener
@throws TooManyListenersException