userNameUtils.getPrincipleId( tenantAcme, USERNAME_TIFFANY ) );
RepositoryFileSid suzySid = new RepositoryFileSid( userNameUtils.getPrincipleId( tenantAcme, USERNAME_SUZY ) );
// tiffany owns it but suzy is creating it
Builder aclBuilder = new Builder( tiffanySid );
// need this to be able to fetch acl as suzy
aclBuilder.ace( suzySid, RepositoryFilePermission.READ );
newFolder = repo.createFolder( parentFolder.getId(), newFolder,, null );
RepositoryFileAcl fetchedAcl = repo.getAcl( newFolder.getId() );
assertEquals( new RepositoryFileSid( USERNAME_TIFFANY ), fetchedAcl.getOwner() );
assertLocalAceExists( newFolder, new RepositoryFileSid( USERNAME_SUZY ),
EnumSet.of( RepositoryFilePermission.READ ) );