Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link br.com.caelum.vraptor.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link br.com.caelum.vraptor.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link com.alibaba.citrus.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or{@link com.alibaba.citrus.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link com.google.gwt.dev.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link com.google.gwt.dev.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link com.googlecode.aviator.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link com.googlecode.aviator.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.drools.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.drools.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.enclojure.ide.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.enclojure.ide.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.glassfish.hk2.external.org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link org.glassfish.hk2.external.org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.mockito.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.mockito.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.mvel2.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link org.mvel2.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.ow2.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.ow2.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link org.rsbot.loader.asm.signature.SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link org.rsbot.loader.asm.signature.SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.
Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that wascreated using a FieldTypeSignature, such as the signature
parameter of the {@link scala.tools.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField ClassVisitor.visitField}or {@link scala.tools.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
@param v the visitor that must visit this signature.