Examples of ZPI

Examples of ca.uhn.hl7v2.examples.custommodel.v25.segment.ZPI

        // Now, suppose our message is actually called ZDT^A01, and we plan on
        // using it frequently, so we want to explicitly define a class to
        // handle it. That can be done as well.

        // Here is a segment class we have created (click to view):
        ZPI zpi;

        // Here is a message class we have created (click to view):
        ZDT_A01 zdtA01;

        // These classes are both in the package ca.uhn.hl7v2.examples.custommodel.[version].[type]
        // We can create a parser with a custom model class factory to use it
        ModelClassFactory cmf = new CustomModelClassFactory("ca.uhn.hl7v2.examples.custommodel");

        // We then pass the model class factory to the parser
        Parser parser = new PipeParser(cmf);

        // The resulting message will be an instance of our custom type (this time, MSH-9 says ZDT^A01)
    messageText = "MSH|^~\\&|IRIS|SANTER|AMB_R|SANTER|200803051508||ZDT^A01|263206|P|2.5\r"
        + "EVN||200803051509||||200803031508\r"
        + "PID|||5520255^^^PK^PK~ZZZZZZ83M64Z148R^^^CF^CF~ZZZZZZ83M64Z148R^^^SSN^SSN^^20070103^99991231~^^^^TEAM||ZZZ^ZZZ||19830824|F||||||||||||||||||||||N\r"
        + "ZPI|Fido~Fred|13\r"
        + "PV1||I|6402DH^^^^^^^^MED. 1 - ONCOLOGIA^^OSPEDALE MAGGIORE DI LODI&LODI|||^^^^^^^^^^OSPEDALE MAGGIORE DI LODI&LODI|13936^TEST^TEST||||||||||5068^TEST2^TEST2||2008003369||||||||||||||||||||||||||200803031508\r"
        + "PR1|1||1111^Mastoplastica|Protesi|20090224|02|";
        zdtA01 = (ZDT_A01) parser.parse(messageText);

        // Now we have easy access to our new segment and fields
        zpi = zdtA01.getZPI();

        System.out.println(zpi.getPetName()[0].encode()); // Fido
        System.out.println(zpi.getPetName()[1].encode()); // Fred
        System.out.println(zpi.getShoeSize().encode()); // 13

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