.getInstance( basename + "-date" ), Index.getInstance( basename + "-virtual" ) );
final String basenameZipped = basename + "-zipped";
if ( interleaved && flags.get( Component.POSITIONS ) != null ) flags.put( Component.POSITIONS, Coding.GOLOMB );
// Vanilla indexing generating a zipped collection (we also use Golomb coding to test the usage of sizes in combinations).
ZipDocumentCollectionBuilder zipBuilder = new ZipDocumentCollectionBuilder( basenameZipped, getSequence().factory(), true );
new IndexBuilder( basename, getSequence() ).standardWriterFlags( flags ).termProcessor( termProcessor ).skipBufferSize( 1024 ).pasteBufferSize( 1024 ).interleaved( interleaved ).skips( quantum != 0 ).quantum( quantum )
.height( height ).virtualDocumentResolver( 3, RESOLVER ).documentsPerBatch( 20 ).builder( zipBuilder ).run();
// Vanilla indexing using the zipped collection
new IndexBuilder( basenameZipped, AbstractDocumentSequence.load( basenameZipped + DocumentCollection.DEFAULT_EXTENSION ) ).standardWriterFlags( flags ).termProcessor( termProcessor ).indexedFields( 0, 1, 2, 3 ).skipBufferSize( 1024 )
.pasteBufferSize( 1024 ).interleaved( interleaved ).skips( quantum != 0 ).quantum( quantum ).height( height ).virtualDocumentResolver( 3, RESOLVER ).documentsPerBatch( 20 ).run();