// this can be the instance file, and if identical elements are found in
// the schema during instance creation, the creation of new elements in
// the instance will be ignored.
for (int i = 0; i < inputParams.size(); i++) {
YParameter inputParam = (YParameter) inputParams.get(i);
if (null != inputParam.getElementName()) {
String elementName = inputParam.getElementName();
ElementReuseInstruction instruction = new ElementReuseInstruction(elementName);
} else if (null != inputParam.getDataTypeName()) {
String elementName = inputParam.getName();
String typeName = inputParam.getDataTypeName();
boolean isPrimitiveType = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema".equals(inputParam.getDataTypeNameSpace());
ElementCreationInstruction instruction = new ElementCreationInstruction(
elementName, typeName, isPrimitiveType);
// currently we convert untyped parameters into creation parameters, due to a bug in YAWL
else if (inputParam.isUntyped()) {
//UntypedElementInstruction instruction = new UntypedElementInstruction();
String elementName = inputParam.getName();
//String typeName = inputParam.getDataTypeName();
String typeName = "boolean";
boolean isPrimitiveType = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema".equals(inputParam.getDataTypeNameSpace());
ElementCreationInstruction instruction = new ElementCreationInstruction(
elementName, typeName, isPrimitiveType);
//for each output param build an instruction
List outputParams = paramsSignature.getOutputParams();
for (int i = 0; i < outputParams.size(); i++) {
YParameter outputParam = (YParameter) outputParams.get(i);
if (null != outputParam.getElementName()) {
String elementName = outputParam.getElementName();
ElementReuseInstruction instruction = new ElementReuseInstruction(elementName);
// if an instruction with the same name already exists in the instruction list
// remove it and add the instruction for this parameter
if (instructions.contains(instruction) == true) {
// Matching element REUSE instruction found.
Instruction tempInstruction;
int position = instructions.indexOf(instruction);
tempInstruction = (Instruction) instructions.get(position);
if (tempInstruction.getElementName().compareTo(instruction.getElementName()) == 0) {
else {
logger.debug("No matching element REUSE instruction found: " + elementName);
} else if (null != outputParam.getDataTypeName()) {
String elementName = outputParam.getName();
String typeName = outputParam.getDataTypeName();
boolean isPrimitiveType = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema".equals(outputParam.getDataTypeNameSpace());
ElementCreationInstruction instruction = new ElementCreationInstruction(
elementName, typeName, isPrimitiveType);
// if an instruction with the same name already exists in the instruction list
// remove it and add the instruction for this parameter
Instruction[] ins = (Instruction[]) instructions.toArray(new Instruction[instructions.size()]);
boolean match = false;
for (int j = 0; j < ins.length; j++) {
if (ins[j].getElementName().compareTo(elementName) == 0) {
match = true;
ins[j] = instruction; // replace old instruction with this one
if (match == true) {
// convert updated array back to the instructions arraylist
for (int j = 0; j < ins.length; j++) {
else {
// currently we convert untyped parameters into creation parameters, due to a bug in YAWL
else if (outputParam.isUntyped()) {
//UntypedElementInstruction instruction = new UntypedElementInstruction();
String elementName = outputParam.getName();
//String typeName = outputParam.getDataTypeName();
String typeName = "boolean";
//boolean isPrimitiveType = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema".equals(outputParam.getDataTypeNameSpace());
boolean isPrimitiveType = true;
ElementCreationInstruction instruction = new ElementCreationInstruction(