Manifest man = manReader.getObjectFromXML(Manifest.FILE_NAME);
manReader.closeStreams();//make sure to close the streams before continuing
List<ManifestResource> manRes = man.getResources();//All the ManifestResources within a imsmanifest.xml specified by <resource> tag
String quizFiles[] = new String[manRes.size()];//Will hold the name of the quiz Xml files within the zip
Quiz quizzes[] = new Quiz[manRes.size()];//Holds the Quiz objects
for(int i = 0; i < quizFiles.length; i++)
quizFiles[i] = manRes.get(i).getHref();//Get the fileNames contained within the zip
quizzes[i] = quizReader.getObjectFromXML(quizFiles[i]);//Get an instance of the Quiz
System.out.println("The title of Quiz " + (i + 1) + " is: " + quizzes[i].getAssessment().getTitle());//Print out the title of the Quiz