Package xtc.parser

Examples of xtc.parser.ParseError

  private Result pParserScala$XmlAttName(final int yyStart)
    throws IOException {

    Result     yyResult;
    Node       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyResult = pParserScala$xmlName(yyStart);
    yyError  =;
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  private Result pParserScala$xmlName(final int yyStart) throws IOException {
    Result     yyResult;
    int        yyRepetition1;
    String     yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyResult = pParserScala$XmlNameStartChar(yyStart);
    yyError  =;
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    throws IOException {

    int        yyC;
    int        yyIndex;
    Void       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (':' == yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      yyValue = null;

      return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 2.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;
      if (('A' <= yyC) && (yyC <= 'Z')) {

        yyValue = null;

        return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 3.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if ('_' == yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      yyValue = null;

      return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 4.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;
      if (('a' <= yyC) && (yyC <= 'z')) {

        yyValue = null;

        return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Done.
    yyError ="xml name start char expected", yyStart);
    return yyError;
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    throws IOException {

    int        yyC;
    int        yyIndex;
    Void       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (':' == yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      yyValue = null;

      return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 2.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;
      if (('A' <= yyC) && (yyC <= 'Z')) {

        yyValue = null;

        return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 3.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if ('_' == yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      yyValue = null;

      return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 4.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;
      if (('a' <= yyC) && (yyC <= 'z')) {

        yyValue = null;

        return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Alternative 5.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      switch (yyC) {
      case '-':
          yyValue = null;

          return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

      case '.':
          yyValue = null;

          return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
          yyValue = null;

          return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

        /* No match. */

    // Done.
    yyError ="xml name char expected", yyStart);
    return yyError;
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  private Result pParserScala$XmlAttValue(final int yyStart)
    throws IOException {

    Result     yyResult;
    Node       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative <XmlAttValue>.

    yyResult = pParserScala$xmlAttValue(yyStart);
    yyError  =;
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    Result     yyResult;
    int        yyRepetition1;
    int        yyRepetition2;
    boolean    yyRepeated2;
    String     yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      switch (yyC) {
      case '\"':
          yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
          while (true) {

            final int yyChoice1 = yyRepetition1;

            // Nested alternative 1.

            yyC = character(yyChoice1);
            if (-1 != yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;

              switch (yyC) {
              case '\"':
              case '&':
              case '<':
                /* No match. */

                  yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

            // Nested alternative 2.

            yyC = character(yyChoice1);
            if (-1 != yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;
              if ('&' == yyC) {

                final int yyChoice2 = yyIndex;

                // Nested alternative 1.

                yyResult = pParserScala$xmlName(yyChoice2);
                yyError  =, yyRepetition1);
                if (yyResult.hasValue()) {

                  yyC = character(yyResult.index);
                  if (';' == yyC) {
                    yyIndex = yyResult.index + 1;

                    yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

                // Nested alternative 2.

                yyC = character(yyChoice2);
                if (-1 != yyC) {
                  yyIndex = yyChoice2 + 1;
                  if ('#' == yyC) {

                    final int yyChoice3 = yyIndex;

                    // Nested alternative 1.

                    yyRepetition2 = yyChoice3;
                    yyRepeated2   = false;
                    while (true) {

                      yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                      if (-1 != yyC) {
                        yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                        switch (yyC) {
                        case '0':
                        case '1':
                        case '2':
                        case '3':
                        case '4':
                        case '5':
                        case '6':
                        case '7':
                        case '8':
                        case '9':
                            yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                            yyRepeated2   = true;

                          /* No match. */

                    if (yyRepeated2) {

                      yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                      if (';' == yyC) {
                        yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                        yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

                    // Nested alternative 2.

                    yyC = character(yyChoice3);
                    if (-1 != yyC) {
                      yyIndex = yyChoice3 + 1;
                      if ('x' == yyC) {

                        yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                        yyRepeated2   = false;
                        while (true) {

                          yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                          if (-1 != yyC) {
                            yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                            switch (yyC) {
                            case '0':
                            case '1':
                            case '2':
                            case '3':
                            case '4':
                            case '5':
                            case '6':
                            case '7':
                            case '8':
                            case '9':
                            case 'A':
                            case 'B':
                            case 'C':
                            case 'D':
                            case 'E':
                            case 'F':
                            case 'a':
                            case 'b':
                            case 'c':
                            case 'd':
                            case 'e':
                            case 'f':
                                yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                                yyRepeated2   = true;

                              /* No match. */

                        if (yyRepeated2) {

                          yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                          if (';' == yyC) {
                            yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                            yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

          yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
          if ('\"' == yyC) {
            yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

            yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

            return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

      case '\'':
          yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
          while (true) {

            final int yyChoice1 = yyRepetition1;

            // Nested alternative 1.

            yyC = character(yyChoice1);
            if (-1 != yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;

              switch (yyC) {
              case '&':
              case '\'':
              case '<':
                /* No match. */

                  yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

            // Nested alternative 2.

            yyC = character(yyChoice1);
            if (-1 != yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;
              if ('&' == yyC) {

                final int yyChoice2 = yyIndex;

                // Nested alternative 1.

                yyResult = pParserScala$xmlName(yyChoice2);
                yyError  =, yyRepetition1);
                if (yyResult.hasValue()) {

                  yyC = character(yyResult.index);
                  if (';' == yyC) {
                    yyIndex = yyResult.index + 1;

                    yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

                // Nested alternative 2.

                yyC = character(yyChoice2);
                if (-1 != yyC) {
                  yyIndex = yyChoice2 + 1;
                  if ('#' == yyC) {

                    final int yyChoice3 = yyIndex;

                    // Nested alternative 1.

                    yyRepetition2 = yyChoice3;
                    yyRepeated2   = false;
                    while (true) {

                      yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                      if (-1 != yyC) {
                        yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                        switch (yyC) {
                        case '0':
                        case '1':
                        case '2':
                        case '3':
                        case '4':
                        case '5':
                        case '6':
                        case '7':
                        case '8':
                        case '9':
                            yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                            yyRepeated2   = true;

                          /* No match. */

                    if (yyRepeated2) {

                      yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                      if (';' == yyC) {
                        yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                        yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

                    // Nested alternative 2.

                    yyC = character(yyChoice3);
                    if (-1 != yyC) {
                      yyIndex = yyChoice3 + 1;
                      if ('x' == yyC) {

                        yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                        yyRepeated2   = false;
                        while (true) {

                          yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                          if (-1 != yyC) {
                            yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                            switch (yyC) {
                            case '0':
                            case '1':
                            case '2':
                            case '3':
                            case '4':
                            case '5':
                            case '6':
                            case '7':
                            case '8':
                            case '9':
                            case 'A':
                            case 'B':
                            case 'C':
                            case 'D':
                            case 'E':
                            case 'F':
                            case 'a':
                            case 'b':
                            case 'c':
                            case 'd':
                            case 'e':
                            case 'f':
                                yyRepetition2 = yyIndex;
                                yyRepeated2   = true;

                              /* No match. */

                        if (yyRepeated2) {

                          yyC = character(yyRepetition2);
                          if (';' == yyC) {
                            yyIndex = yyRepetition2 + 1;

                            yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;

          yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
          if ('\'' == yyC) {
            yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

            yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

            return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

        /* No match. */

    // Done.
    yyError ="xml att value expected", yyStart);
    return yyError;
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  private Result pParserScala$XmlCharData(final int yyStart)
    throws IOException {

    Result     yyResult;
    Node       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyResult = pxmlCharDataInScala(yyStart);
    yyError  =;
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  private Result pParserScala$XmlComment(final int yyStart)
    throws IOException {

    Result     yyResult;
    Node       yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyResult = pParserScala$xmlComment(yyStart);
    yyError  =;
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    Result     yyResult;
    boolean    yyPredMatched;
    int        yyBase;
    int        yyRepetition1;
    String     yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if ('<' == yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;

      yyC = character(yyIndex);
      if ('!' == yyC) {
        yyIndex = yyIndex + 1;

        yyC = character(yyIndex);
        if ('-' == yyC) {
          yyIndex = yyIndex + 1;

          yyC = character(yyIndex);
          if ('-' == yyC) {
            yyIndex = yyIndex + 1;

            yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
            while (true) {

              final int yyChoice1 = yyRepetition1;

              // Nested alternative 1.

              yyC = character(yyChoice1);
              if ('-' == yyC) {
                yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;

                yyPredMatched = false;

                yyC = character(yyIndex);
                if ('-' == yyC) {

                  yyPredMatched = true;

                if (! yyPredMatched) {

                  yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
                } else {
                  yyError ="xml comment expected", yyStart);

              // Nested alternative 2.

              yyPredMatched = false;

              yyC = character(yyChoice1);
              if ('-' == yyC) {

                yyPredMatched = true;

              if (! yyPredMatched) {

                yyResult = pParserScala$xmlChar(yyChoice1);
                yyError  =, yyRepetition1);
                if (yyResult.hasValue()) {

                  yyRepetition1 = yyResult.index;
              } else {
                yyError ="xml comment expected", yyStart);

            yyBase = yyRepetition1;
            yyC    = character(yyBase);
            if ('-' == yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

              yyC = character(yyIndex);
              if ('-' == yyC) {
                yyIndex = yyIndex + 1;

                yyC = character(yyIndex);
                if ('>' == yyC) {
                  yyIndex = yyIndex + 1;

                  yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

                  return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);
                } else {
                  yyError ="'-->' expected", yyBase);
              } else {
                yyError ="'-->' expected", yyBase);
            } else {
              yyError ="'-->' expected", yyBase);

    // Done.
    yyError ="xml comment expected", yyStart);
    return yyError;
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    int        yyIndex;
    Result     yyResult;
    int        yyRepetition1;
    boolean    yyRepeated1;
    String     yyValue;
    ParseError yyError = ParseError.DUMMY;

    // Alternative 1.

    yyC = character(yyStart);
    if (-1 != yyC) {
      yyIndex = yyStart + 1;
      if ('&' == yyC) {

        final int yyChoice1 = yyIndex;

        // Nested alternative 1.

        yyResult = pParserScala$xmlName(yyChoice1);
        yyError  =;
        if (yyResult.hasValue()) {

          yyC = character(yyResult.index);
          if (';' == yyC) {
            yyIndex = yyResult.index + 1;

            yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

            return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

        // Nested alternative 2.

        yyC = character(yyChoice1);
        if (-1 != yyC) {
          yyIndex = yyChoice1 + 1;
          if ('#' == yyC) {

            final int yyChoice2 = yyIndex;

            // Nested alternative 1.

            yyRepetition1 = yyChoice2;
            yyRepeated1   = false;
            while (true) {

              yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
              if (-1 != yyC) {
                yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

                switch (yyC) {
                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':
                case '7':
                case '8':
                case '9':
                    yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
                    yyRepeated1   = true;

                  /* No match. */

            if (yyRepeated1) {

              yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
              if (';' == yyC) {
                yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

                yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

                return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

            // Nested alternative 2.

            yyC = character(yyChoice2);
            if (-1 != yyC) {
              yyIndex = yyChoice2 + 1;
              if ('x' == yyC) {

                yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
                yyRepeated1   = false;
                while (true) {

                  yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
                  if (-1 != yyC) {
                    yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

                    switch (yyC) {
                    case '0':
                    case '1':
                    case '2':
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                    case '5':
                    case '6':
                    case '7':
                    case '8':
                    case '9':
                    case 'A':
                    case 'B':
                    case 'C':
                    case 'D':
                    case 'E':
                    case 'F':
                    case 'a':
                    case 'b':
                    case 'c':
                    case 'd':
                    case 'e':
                    case 'f':
                        yyRepetition1 = yyIndex;
                        yyRepeated1   = true;

                      /* No match. */

                if (yyRepeated1) {

                  yyC = character(yyRepetition1);
                  if (';' == yyC) {
                    yyIndex = yyRepetition1 + 1;

                    yyValue = difference(yyStart, yyIndex);

                    return new SemanticValue(yyValue, yyIndex, yyError);

    // Done.
    yyError ="xml reference expected", yyStart);
    return yyError;
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Related Classes of xtc.parser.ParseError

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