// since we just put the marker into the load-call, it should be present at the doc
assertTrue( "The test case marker got lost.", impl_hasMarker( databaseDoc.getArgs() ) );
// The basic library should have survived
final XEmbeddedScripts embeddedScripts = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEmbeddedScripts.class, databaseDoc);
final XStorageBasedLibraryContainer basicLibs = embeddedScripts.getBasicLibraries();
assertTrue( "Baisc lib did not survive reloading a closed document", basicLibs.hasByName( "Lib" ) );
final XNameContainer lib = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameContainer.class, basicLibs.getByName("Lib"));
assertTrue( "Basic module did not survive reloading a closed document", lib.hasByName( "Module" ) );
// now closing the doc, and obtaining it from the data source, should preserve the marker we put into the load
// args
impl_closeDocument( databaseDoc );