if (!getPipelines().containsKey(id)) {
return badRequest(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "no pipeline: " + pipelineUri(id), variant.getMediaType());
PipelineConfiguration pipeconfig = getPipelines().get(id);
XPipeline xpipeline = pipeconfig.pipeline;
XProcRuntime runtime = pipeconfig.runtime;
if (pipeconfig.ran) {
try {
if (MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.equals(entity.getMediaType(), true)) {
processMultipartForm(pipeconfig, entity, variant);
} else {
if (pipeconfig.definput == null) {
return badRequest(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "No primary input port", variant.getMediaType());
if (pipeconfig.documentCount(pipeconfig.definput) == 0) {
XdmNode doc = null;
if (isXml(entity.getMediaType())) {
doc = runtime.parse(new InputSource(entity.getStream()));
logger.debug("Posting XML document to " + pipeconfig.definput + " for " + id);
} else {
ReadablePipe pipe = null;
pipe = new ReadableData(runtime, XProcConstants.c_data, entity.getStream(), entity.getMediaType().toString());
doc = pipe.read();
logger.debug("Posting non-XML document to " + pipeconfig.definput + " for " + id);
xpipeline.writeTo(pipeconfig.definput, doc);
HashMap<String, String> nsBindings = bindingsFromForm(getQuery());
HashMap<String, String> options = convertFormStrings(getQuery());
DeclareStep pipeline = xpipeline.getDeclareStep();
for (String fieldName : options.keySet()) {
RuntimeValue value = new RuntimeValue(options.get(fieldName));
if (fieldName.startsWith("-p")) {
fieldName = fieldName.substring(2);
String port= null;
Matcher matcher = portRE.matcher(fieldName);
if (matcher.matches()) {
port = matcher.group(1);
fieldName = matcher.group(2);
if (port == null) {
// Figure out the default parameter port
for (String iport : xpipeline.getInputs()) {
com.xmlcalabash.model.Input input = pipeline.getInput(iport);
if (input.getParameterInput() && input.getPrimary()) {
port = iport;
if (port == null) {
throw new XProcException("No primary parameter input port.");
logger.debug("Parameter " + fieldName + "=" + value.getString() + " for " + id);
QName qname = qnameFromForm(fieldName, nsBindings);
xpipeline.setParameter(port, qname, value);
pipeconfig.setParameter(qname, value.getString());
} else {
logger.debug("Option " + fieldName + "=" + value.getString() + " for " + id);
QName qname = qnameFromForm(fieldName, nsBindings);
xpipeline.passOption(qname, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
return badRequest(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage(), variant.getMediaType());
return runPipeline(id);