if (simpleSeqencingUri != null) nsuris.put("imsss", simpleSeqencingUri);
// Check for organiztaion element. Must provide at least one... title gets ectracted from either
// the (optional) <title> element or the mandatory identifier attribute.
// This makes sure, at least a root node gets created in CPManifestTreeModel.
XPath meta = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:organization");
Element orgaEl = (Element) meta.selectSingleNode(rootElement); // TODO: accept several organizations?
if (orgaEl == null) throw new AddingResourceException("resource.no.organisation");
// Check for at least one <item> element referencing a <resource> of adlcp:scormtype="sco" or "asset",
// which will serve as an entry point.
XPath resourcesXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resources");
Element elResources = (Element)resourcesXPath.selectSingleNode(rootElement);
if (elResources == null) throw new AddingResourceException("resource.no.resource"); // no <resources> element.
XPath itemsXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:item");
List items = itemsXPath.selectNodes(rootElement);
if (items.size() == 0) throw new AddingResourceException("scorm.no.item"); // no <item> element.
// check for scorm 2004 simple sequencing stuff which we do not yet support
if (seqencingUri != null) {
XPath seqencingXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:imsss");
List sequences = seqencingXPath.selectNodes(rootElement);
if (sequences.size() > 0) throw new AddingResourceException("scorm.found.seqencing"); // seqencing elements found -> scorm 2004
Set set = new HashSet();
for (Iterator iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Element item = (Element) iter.next();
String identifier = item.attributeValue("identifier");
//check if identifiers are unique, reject if not so
if (!set.add(identifier)) throw new AddingResourceException("resource.general.error");//TODO:create special error message for non unique ids
for (Iterator iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Element item = (Element) iter.next();
String identifierref = item.attributeValue("identifierref");
if (identifierref == null) continue;
XPath resourceXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resource[@identifier='" + identifierref + "']");
Element elResource = (Element)resourceXPath.selectSingleNode(elResources);
if (elResource == null) throw new AddingResourceException("resource.no.matching.resource");
//check for scorm attribute
Attribute scormAttr = elResource.attribute("scormtype");
//some packages have attribute written like "scormType"
Attribute scormAttrUpper = elResource.attribute("scormType");