private static void readTablesFromXml() throws ConfigurationException
XMLUtils xmlUtils = null;
xmlUtils = new XMLUtils(configFileURI);
catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
throw ex;
catch (SAXException e)
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
throw ex;
catch (IOException e)
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
throw ex;
/* Read the table related stuff from config */
NodeList tablesxml = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace");
int size = tablesxml.getLength();
for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
String value = null;
Node table = tablesxml.item(i);
/* parsing out the table ksName */
String ksName = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(table, "Name");
if (ksName == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("Table name attribute is required");
if (ksName.equalsIgnoreCase(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE))
throw new ConfigurationException("'system' is a reserved table name for Cassandra internals");
/* See which replica placement strategy to use */
String replicaPlacementStrategyClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/ReplicaPlacementStrategy");
if (replicaPlacementStrategyClassName == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("Missing replicaplacementstrategy directive for " + ksName);
Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> repStratClass = null;
repStratClass = (Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy>) Class.forName(replicaPlacementStrategyClassName);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid replicaplacementstrategy class " + replicaPlacementStrategyClassName);
/* Data replication factor */
String replicationFactor = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/ReplicationFactor");
int repFact = -1;
if (replicationFactor == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("Missing replicationfactor directory for keyspace " + ksName);
repFact = Integer.parseInt(replicationFactor);
/* end point snitch */
String endPointSnitchClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/EndPointSnitch");
if (endPointSnitchClassName == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("Missing endpointsnitch directive for keyspace " + ksName);
IEndPointSnitch epSnitch = null;
Class cls = Class.forName(endPointSnitchClassName);
IEndPointSnitch snitch = (IEndPointSnitch)cls.getConstructor().newInstance();
if (Boolean.getBoolean("cassandra.dynamic_snitch"))
epSnitch = new DynamicEndpointSnitch(snitch);
epSnitch = snitch;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
catch (InstantiationException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
String xqlTable = "/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/";
NodeList columnFamilies = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(xqlTable + "ColumnFamily");
KSMetaData meta = new KSMetaData(ksName, repStratClass, repFact, epSnitch);
//NodeList columnFamilies = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(table, "ColumnFamily");
int size2 = columnFamilies.getLength();
for ( int j = 0; j < size2; ++j )
Node columnFamily = columnFamilies.item(j);
String tableName = ksName;
String cfName = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "Name");
if (cfName == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily name attribute is required");
if (cfName.contains("-"))
throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily names cannot contain hyphens");
String xqlCF = xqlTable + "ColumnFamily[@Name='" + cfName + "']/";
// Parse out the column type
String rawColumnType = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "ColumnType");
String columnType = ColumnFamily.getColumnType(rawColumnType);
if (columnType == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily " + cfName + " has invalid type " + rawColumnType);
if (XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "ColumnSort") != null)
throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnSort is no longer an accepted attribute. Use CompareWith instead.");
// Parse out the column comparator
AbstractType comparator = getComparator(columnFamily, "CompareWith");
AbstractType subcolumnComparator = null;
if (columnType.equals("Super"))
subcolumnComparator = getComparator(columnFamily, "CompareSubcolumnsWith");
else if (XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "CompareSubcolumnsWith") != null)
throw new ConfigurationException("CompareSubcolumnsWith is only a valid attribute on super columnfamilies (not regular columnfamily " + cfName + ")");
double keyCacheSize = CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_CACHE_SIZE;
if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "KeysCachedFraction")) != null)
keyCacheSize = Double.valueOf(value);
// TODO: KeysCachedFraction deprecated: remove in 1.0
logger.warn("KeysCachedFraction is deprecated: use KeysCached instead.");
if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "KeysCached")) != null)
keyCacheSize = FBUtilities.parseDoubleOrPercent(value);
double rowCacheSize = CFMetaData.DEFAULT_ROW_CACHE_SIZE;
if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "RowsCached")) != null)
rowCacheSize = FBUtilities.parseDoubleOrPercent(value);
// Parse out user-specified logical names for the various dimensions
// of a the column family from the config.
String comment = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(xqlCF + "Comment");
// insert it into the table dictionary.
String rowCacheSavePeriodString = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "RowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds");
String keyCacheSavePeriodString = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "KeyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds");
int rowCacheSavePeriod = keyCacheSavePeriodString != null ? Integer.valueOf(keyCacheSavePeriodString) : DEFAULT_KEY_CACHE_SAVE_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS;