Examples of XmlErrorWatcher

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

            cpResourceLoader = new PathResourceLoader(classpath);

        boolean result = true;

        // build the in-memory type system
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);
        SchemaTypeSystem system = loadTypeSystem(name, xsdFiles, wsdlFiles, configFiles, cpResourceLoader, download, noUpa, noPvr, mdefNamespaces, baseDir, sourcesToCopyMap, errorListener);
        if (errorListener.hasError())
            result = false;
        long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (!quiet)
            System.out.println("Time to build schema type system: " + ((double)(finish - start) / 1000.0) + " seconds" );

        // now code generate and compile the JAR
        if (result && system != null) // todo: don't check "result" here if we want to compile anyway, ignoring invalid schemas
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // generate source and .xsb
            List sourcefiles = new ArrayList();
            result &= SchemaCodeGenerator.compileTypeSystem(system, srcDir, javaFiles, sourcesToCopyMap, classpath, classesDir, outputJar, nojavac, jaxb, errorListener, repackage, verbose, sourcefiles);
            result &= !errorListener.hasError();

            if (result)
                finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (!quiet)
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

        SchemaTypeLoader linkTo, XmlOptions options, Collection outsideErrors, boolean javaize, URI baseURI, Map sourcesToCopyMap)
        if (linkTo == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply linkTo");

        XmlErrorWatcher errorWatcher = new XmlErrorWatcher(outsideErrors);

        // construct the state
        StscState state = StscState.start();
        boolean validate = (options == null || !options.hasOption(XmlOptions.COMPILE_NO_VALIDATION));
            if (baseURI != null)

            // construct the classpath (you always get the builtin types)
            linkTo = SchemaTypeLoaderImpl.build(new SchemaTypeLoader[] { BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.get(), linkTo }, null, null);

            List validSchemas = new ArrayList(schemas.length);

            // load all the xsd files into it
            if (validate)
                for (int i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++)
                    if (schemas[i].validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorWatcher)))

            Schema[] startWith = (Schema[])validSchemas.toArray(new Schema[validSchemas.size()]);

            // deal with imports and includes
            StscImporter.SchemaToProcess[] schemasAndChameleons = StscImporter.resolveImportsAndIncludes(startWith);

            // call the translator so that it may also perform magic

            // call the resolver to do its magic
            // call the checker to check both restrictions and defaults

            // call the javaizer to do its magic

            // construct the loader out of the state

            // fill in the source-copy map
            if (sourcesToCopyMap != null)

            // if any errors, return null
            if (errorWatcher.hasError())
                return null;

            return state.get().sts();
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

        File[] wsdlFiles, File[] configFiles, ResourceLoader cpResourceLoader,
        boolean download, boolean noUpa, boolean noPvr, Set mdefNamespaces,
        File baseDir, Map sourcesToCopyMap, Collection outerErrorListener,
        EntityResolver entityResolver)
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);

        // For parsing XSD and WSDL files, we should use the SchemaDocument
        // classloader rather than the thread context classloader.  This is
        // because in some situations (such as when being invoked by ant
        // underneath the ide) the context classloader is potentially weird
        // (because of the design of ant).

        SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderForClassLoader(SchemaDocument.class.getClassLoader());

        // step 1, parse all the XSD files.
        ArrayList scontentlist = new ArrayList();
        if (xsdFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < xsdFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();

                    XmlObject schemadoc = loader.parse(xsdFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(schemadoc instanceof SchemaDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + xsdFiles[i] + " is not a schema file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, schemadoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading schema file " + xsdFiles[i]);
                        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener);
                        if (schemadoc.validate(opts))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + xsdFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, xsdFiles[i]);

        // step 2, parse all WSDL files
        if (wsdlFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < wsdlFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/", "http://www.apache.org/internal/xmlbeans/wsdlsubst"

                    XmlObject wsdldoc = loader.parse(wsdlFiles[i], null, options);

                    if (!(wsdldoc instanceof org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + wsdlFiles[i] + " is not a wsdl file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        if (wsdlContainsEncoded(wsdldoc))
                            StscState.addWarning(errorListener, "The WSDL " + wsdlFiles[i] + " uses SOAP encoding. SOAP encoding is not compatible with literal XML Schema.", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading wsdl file " + wsdlFiles[i]);
                        XmlObject[] types = ((org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument)wsdldoc).getDefinitions().getTypesArray();
                        int count = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++)
                            // explicit cast for paranoia
                            SchemaDocument.Schema[] schemas = (SchemaDocument.Schema[])types[j].selectPath("declare namespace xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xs:schema");
                            for (int k = 0; k < schemas.length; k++)
                                if (schemas[k].validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                            count += schemas.length;
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Processing " + count + " schema(s) in " + wsdlFiles[i].toString());
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + wsdlFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdlFiles[i]);

        SchemaDocument.Schema[] sdocs = (SchemaDocument.Schema[])scontentlist.toArray(new SchemaDocument.Schema[scontentlist.size()]);

        // now the config files.
        ArrayList cdoclist = new ArrayList();
        if (configFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < configFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                    options.put( XmlOptions.LOAD_LINE_NUMBERS );

                    XmlObject configdoc = loader.parse(configFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(configdoc instanceof ConfigDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + configFiles[i] + " is not an xsd config file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, configdoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading config file " + configFiles[i]);
                        if (configdoc.validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load xsd config file " + configFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_CONFIG_FILE, configFiles[i]);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

            cpResourceLoader = new PathResourceLoader(classpath);

        boolean result = true;

        // build the in-memory type system
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);
        SchemaTypeSystem system = loadTypeSystem(name, xsdFiles, wsdlFiles, configFiles, cpResourceLoader, download, noUpa, noPvr, mdefNamespaces, baseDir, sourcesToCopyMap, errorListener, entityResolver);
        if (errorListener.hasError())
            result = false;
        long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (!quiet)
            System.out.println("Time to build schema type system: " + ((double)(finish - start) / 1000.0) + " seconds" );

        // now code generate and compile the JAR
        if (result && system != null) // todo: don't check "result" here if we want to compile anyway, ignoring invalid schemas
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // generate source and .xsb
            List sourcefiles = new ArrayList();
            result &= SchemaCodeGenerator.compileTypeSystem(system, srcDir, javaFiles, sourcesToCopyMap, classpath, classesDir, outputJar, nojavac, jaxb, errorListener, repackage, verbose, sourcefiles);
            result &= !errorListener.hasError();

            if (result)
                finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (!quiet)
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher


    private boolean validate_immutable(XmlOptions options)
        Collection errorListener = options == null ? null : (Collection)options.get(XmlOptions.ERROR_LISTENER);
        XmlErrorWatcher watcher = new XmlErrorWatcher(errorListener);
        if (!(schemaType().isSimpleType() || options != null &&
            // cannot have any required attributes or elements
            SchemaProperty[] properties = schemaType().getProperties();
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
                if (properties[i].getMinOccurs().signum() > 0)
                    // KHK: error code?
                    if (properties[i].isAttribute())
                        watcher.add(XmlError.forObject(XmlErrorCodes.ELEM_COMPLEX_TYPE_LOCALLY_VALID$MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, new Object[]{QNameHelper.pretty(properties[i].getName()), }, this));
                        watcher.add(XmlError.forObject(XmlErrorCodes.ELEM_COMPLEX_TYPE_LOCALLY_VALID$MISSING_ELEMENT, new Object[]{properties[i].getMinOccurs(), QNameHelper.pretty(properties[i].getName()), }, this));

            if (schemaType().getContentType() != SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT)
                return !watcher.hasError(); // don't validate non-simple-content

        String text = (String)_textsource;
        if (text == null)
            text = "";
        validate_simpleval(text, new ImmutableValueValidationContext(watcher, this));
        return !watcher.hasError();
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

        String name, File[] xsdFiles,
        File[] wsdlFiles, File[] configFiles, ResourceLoader cpResourceLoader,
        boolean download, boolean noUpa, boolean noPvr, Set mdefNamespaces,
        File baseDir, Map sourcesToCopyMap, Collection outerErrorListener)
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);

        // For parsing XSD and WSDL files, we should use the SchemaDocument
        // classloader rather than the thread context classloader.  This is
        // because in some situations (such as when being invoked by ant
        // underneath the ide) the context classloader is potentially weird
        // (because of the design of ant).

        SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderForClassLoader(SchemaDocument.class.getClassLoader());

        // step 1, parse all the XSD files.
        ArrayList scontentlist = new ArrayList();
        if (xsdFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < xsdFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();

                    XmlObject schemadoc = loader.parse(xsdFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(schemadoc instanceof SchemaDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + xsdFiles[i] + " is not a schema file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, schemadoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading schema file " + xsdFiles[i]);
                        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener);
                        if (schemadoc.validate(opts))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + xsdFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, xsdFiles[i]);

        // step 2, parse all WSDL files
        if (wsdlFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < wsdlFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/", "http://www.apache.org/internal/xmlbeans/wsdlsubst"

                    XmlObject wsdldoc = loader.parse(wsdlFiles[i], null, options);

                    if (!(wsdldoc instanceof org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + wsdlFiles[i] + " is not a wsdl file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        if (wsdlContainsEncoded(wsdldoc))
                            StscState.addWarning(errorListener, "The WSDL " + wsdlFiles[i] + " uses SOAP encoding. SOAP encoding is not compatible with literal XML Schema.", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading wsdl file " + wsdlFiles[i]);
                        XmlObject[] types = ((org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument)wsdldoc).getDefinitions().getTypesArray();
                        int count = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++)
                            XmlObject[] schemas = types[j].selectPath("declare namespace xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xs:schema");
                            if (schemas.length == 0)
                                StscState.addWarning(errorListener, "The WSDL " + wsdlFiles[i] + " did not have any schema documents in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'", XmlErrorContext.GENERIC_ERROR, wsdldoc);

                            for (int k = 0; k < schemas.length; k++)
                                if (schemas[k] instanceof SchemaDocument.Schema &&
                                    schemas[k].validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Processing " + count + " schema(s) in " + wsdlFiles[i].toString());
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + wsdlFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdlFiles[i]);

        SchemaDocument.Schema[] sdocs = (SchemaDocument.Schema[])scontentlist.toArray(new SchemaDocument.Schema[scontentlist.size()]);

        // now the config files.
        ArrayList cdoclist = new ArrayList();
        if (configFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < configFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                    options.put( XmlOptions.LOAD_LINE_NUMBERS );

                    XmlObject configdoc = loader.parse(configFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(configdoc instanceof ConfigDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + configFiles[i] + " is not an xsd config file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, configdoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading config file " + configFiles[i]);
                        if (configdoc.validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load xsd config file " + configFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_CONFIG_FILE, configFiles[i]);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

            cpResourceLoader = new PathResourceLoader(classpath);

        boolean result = true;

        // build the in-memory type system
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);
        SchemaTypeSystem system = loadTypeSystem(name, xsdFiles, wsdlFiles, configFiles, cpResourceLoader, download, noUpa, noPvr, mdefNamespaces, baseDir, sourcesToCopyMap, errorListener);
        if (errorListener.hasError())
            result = false;
        long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (!quiet)
            System.out.println("Time to build schema type system: " + ((double)(finish - start) / 1000.0) + " seconds" );

        // now code generate and compile the JAR
        if (result && system != null) // todo: don't check "result" here if we want to compile anyway, ignoring invalid schemas
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // generate source and .xsb
            List sourcefiles = new ArrayList();
            result &= SchemaCodeGenerator.compileTypeSystem(system, srcDir, javaFiles, sourcesToCopyMap, classpath, classesDir, outputJar, nojavac, jaxb, errorListener, repackage, verbose, sourcefiles);
            result &= !errorListener.hasError();

            if (result)
                finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (!quiet)
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher


    private boolean validate_immutable(XmlOptions options)
        Collection errorListener = options == null ? null : (Collection)options.get(XmlOptions.ERROR_LISTENER);
        XmlErrorWatcher watcher = new XmlErrorWatcher(errorListener);
        if (!schemaType().isSimpleType())
            // cannot have any required attributes or elements
            SchemaProperty[] properties = schemaType().getProperties();
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
                if (properties[i].getMinOccurs().signum() > 0)
                    if (properties[i].isAttribute())
                        watcher.add(XmlError.forObject("Missing required attribute " + QNameHelper.pretty(properties[i].getName()), this));
                        watcher.add(XmlError.forObject("Missing required element " + QNameHelper.pretty(properties[i].getName()), this));

            if (schemaType().getContentType() != SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT)
                return !watcher.hasError(); // don't validate non-simple-content

        String text = (String)_textsource;
        if (text == null)
            text = "";
        validate_simpleval(text, new ImmutableValueValidationContext(watcher, this));
        return !watcher.hasError();
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

        File[] wsdlFiles, File[] configFiles, ResourceLoader cpResourceLoader,
        boolean download, boolean noUpa, boolean noPvr, Set mdefNamespaces,
        File baseDir, Map sourcesToCopyMap, Collection outerErrorListener,
        EntityResolver entityResolver)
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);

        // For parsing XSD and WSDL files, we should use the SchemaDocument
        // classloader rather than the thread context classloader.  This is
        // because in some situations (such as when being invoked by ant
        // underneath the ide) the context classloader is potentially weird
        // (because of the design of ant).

        SchemaTypeLoader loader = XmlBeans.typeLoaderForClassLoader(SchemaDocument.class.getClassLoader());

        // step 1, parse all the XSD files.
        ArrayList scontentlist = new ArrayList();
        if (xsdFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < xsdFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();

                    XmlObject schemadoc = loader.parse(xsdFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(schemadoc instanceof SchemaDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + xsdFiles[i] + " is not a schema file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, schemadoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading schema file " + xsdFiles[i]);
                        XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener);
                        if (schemadoc.validate(opts))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + xsdFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, xsdFiles[i]);

        // step 2, parse all WSDL files
        if (wsdlFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < wsdlFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/", "http://www.apache.org/internal/xmlbeans/wsdlsubst"

                    XmlObject wsdldoc = loader.parse(wsdlFiles[i], null, options);

                    if (!(wsdldoc instanceof org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + wsdlFiles[i] + " is not a wsdl file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        if (wsdlContainsEncoded(wsdldoc))
                            StscState.addWarning(errorListener, "The WSDL " + wsdlFiles[i] + " uses SOAP encoding. SOAP encoding is not compatible with literal XML Schema.", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdldoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading wsdl file " + wsdlFiles[i]);
                        XmlObject[] types = ((org.apache.internal.xmlbeans.wsdlsubst.DefinitionsDocument)wsdldoc).getDefinitions().getTypesArray();
                        int count = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++)
                            // explicit cast for paranoia
                            SchemaDocument.Schema[] schemas = (SchemaDocument.Schema[])types[j].selectPath("declare namespace xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xs:schema");
                            for (int k = 0; k < schemas.length; k++)
                                if (schemas[k].validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                            count += schemas.length;
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Processing " + count + " schema(s) in " + wsdlFiles[i].toString());
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load file " + wsdlFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, wsdlFiles[i]);

        SchemaDocument.Schema[] sdocs = (SchemaDocument.Schema[])scontentlist.toArray(new SchemaDocument.Schema[scontentlist.size()]);

        // now the config files.
        ArrayList cdoclist = new ArrayList();
        if (configFiles != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < configFiles.length; i++)
                    XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
                    options.put( XmlOptions.LOAD_LINE_NUMBERS );

                    XmlObject configdoc = loader.parse(configFiles[i], null, options);
                    if (!(configdoc instanceof ConfigDocument))
                        StscState.addError(errorListener, "Document " + configFiles[i] + " is not an xsd config file", XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_FILE, configdoc);
                        StscState.addInfo(errorListener, "Loading config file " + configFiles[i]);
                        if (configdoc.validate(new XmlOptions().setErrorListener(errorListener)))
                catch (XmlException e)
                catch (Exception e)
                    StscState.addError(errorListener, "Cannot load xsd config file " + configFiles[i] + ": " + e, XmlErrorContext.CANNOT_LOAD_XSD_CONFIG_FILE, configFiles[i]);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlErrorWatcher

            cpResourceLoader = new PathResourceLoader(classpath);

        boolean result = true;

        // build the in-memory type system
        XmlErrorWatcher errorListener = new XmlErrorWatcher(outerErrorListener);
        SchemaTypeSystem system = loadTypeSystem(name, xsdFiles, wsdlFiles, configFiles, cpResourceLoader, download, noUpa, noPvr, mdefNamespaces, baseDir, sourcesToCopyMap, errorListener, entityResolver);
        if (errorListener.hasError())
            result = false;
        long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (!quiet)
            System.out.println("Time to build schema type system: " + ((double)(finish - start) / 1000.0) + " seconds" );

        // now code generate and compile the JAR
        if (result && system != null) // todo: don't check "result" here if we want to compile anyway, ignoring invalid schemas
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // generate source and .xsb
            List sourcefiles = new ArrayList();
            result &= SchemaCodeGenerator.compileTypeSystem(system, srcDir, javaFiles, sourcesToCopyMap, classpath, classesDir, outputJar, nojavac, jaxb, errorListener, repackage, verbose, sourcefiles);
            result &= !errorListener.hasError();

            if (result)
                finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (!quiet)
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