private void writeXmlElementAnnotation( JAnnotatable field, CTypeRef ctype, JType jtype,
boolean checkWrapper ) {
// lazily create - we don't know if we need to generate anything yet
XmlElementWriter xew = null;
// these values are used to determine how to optimize the generated annotation
XmlNsForm formDefault = parent()._package().getElementFormDefault();
String propName = prop.getName(false);
String enclosingTypeNS;
enclosingTypeNS = parent()._package().getMostUsedNamespaceURI();
enclosingTypeNS = parent().target.getTypeName().getNamespaceURI();
// generate the name property?
String generatedName = ctype.getTagName().getLocalPart();
if(!generatedName.equals(propName)) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
// generate the namespace property?
String generatedNS = ctype.getTagName().getNamespaceURI();
if (((formDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED) && !generatedNS.equals(enclosingTypeNS)) ||
((formDefault == XmlNsForm.UNQUALIFIED) && !generatedNS.equals(""))) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
// generate the required() property?
CElementPropertyInfo ep = (CElementPropertyInfo) prop;
if(ep.isRequired() && exposedType.isReference()) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
// generate the type property?
// I'm not too sure if this is the right place to handle this, but
// if the schema definition is requiring this element, we should point to a primitive type,
// not wrapper type (to correctly carry forward the required semantics.)
// if it's a collection, we can't use a primitive, however.
if(ep.isRequired() && !prop.isCollection())
jtype = jtype.unboxify();
// when generating code for 1.4, the runtime can't infer that ArrayList<Foo> derives
// from Collection<Foo> (because List isn't parameterized), so always expclitly
// generate @XmlElement(type=...)
if( !jtype.equals(exposedType) || (parent().parent().getModel().options.runtime14 && prop.isCollection())) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
// generate defaultValue property?
final String defaultValue = ctype.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue!=null) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
// generate the nillable property?
if (ctype.isNillable()) {
if(xew == null) xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);