Difference from SAX
An event stream can be thought of encapsulating SAX events. It applies an iterator/pull metaphor to the parser allowing procedural, stream-based, handling of input XML rather than having to write chained event handlers to handle complex XML documents.
Difference from DOM
The pull metaphor allows single-pass, stream-based parsing of the document rather than tree based manipulation.
@since XMLInputStream 1.0 @version 1.0 @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.XMLEvent @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.CharacterData @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.ProcessingInstruction @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.StartElement @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.EndElement @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.CharacterData @see org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.XMLName @deprecated XMLInputStream was deprecated by XMLStreamReader from STaX - jsr173 API.Difference from SAX
An event stream can be thought of encapsulating SAX events. It applies an iterator/pull metaphor to the parser allowing procedural, stream-based, handling of input XML rather than having to write chained event handlers to handle complex XML documents.
Difference from DOM
The pull metaphor allows single-pass, stream-based parsing of the document rather than tree based manipulation.
@since XMLInputStream 1.0 @version 1.0 @see weblogic.xml.stream.XMLEvent @see weblogic.xml.stream.CharacterData @see weblogic.xml.stream.ProcessingInstruction @see weblogic.xml.stream.StartElement @see weblogic.xml.stream.EndElement @see weblogic.xml.stream.CharacterData @see weblogic.xml.stream.XMLName