if (baseSystemId != null)
needExpand = true;
// give the entity resolver a chance
XMLInputSource xmlInputSource = null;
if (fEntityResolver != null) {
if (needExpand) {
expandedSystemId = expandSystemId(literalSystemId, baseSystemId, false);
xmlInputSource = fEntityResolver.resolveEntity(resourceIdentifier);
// do default resolution
// REVISIT: what's the correct behavior if the user provided an entity
// resolver (fEntityResolver != null), but resolveEntity doesn't return
// an input source (xmlInputSource == null)?
// do we do default resolution, or do we just return null? -SG
if (xmlInputSource == null) {
// REVISIT: when systemId is null, I think we should return null.
// is this the right solution? -SG
//if (systemId != null)
xmlInputSource = new XMLInputSource(publicId, literalSystemId, baseSystemId);
System.err.println("XMLEntityManager.resolveEntity(" + publicId + ")");
System.err.println(" = " + xmlInputSource);