Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key. This grammar pool implementation stores two types of grammars: those keyed by the root element name, and those keyed by the grammar's target namespace. This is the default implementation of the GrammarPool interface. As we move forward, this will become more function-rich and robust.
@author Jeffrey Rodriguez, IBM
@author Andy Clark, IBM
@author Neil Graham, IBM
@author Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems
@author Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems
Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key. This grammar pool implementation stores two types of grammars: those keyed by the root element name, and those keyed by the grammar's target namespace. This is the default implementation of the GrammarPool interface. As we move forward, this will become more function-rich and robust.
@author Jeffrey Rodriguez, IBM
@author Andy Clark, IBM
@author Neil Graham, IBM
@author Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems
@author Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems
@version $Id: XMLGrammarPoolImpl.java 447241 2006-09-18 05:12:57Z mrglavas $
Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key. This grammar pool implementation stores two types of grammars: those keyed by the root element name, and those keyed by the grammar's target namespace. This is the default implementation of the GrammarPool interface. As we move forward, this will become more function-rich and robust.
@author Jeffrey Rodriguez, IBM
@author Andy Clark, IBM
@author Neil Graham, IBM
@author Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems
@author Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems
@version $Id: XMLGrammarPoolImpl.java,v 1.5 2002/03/03 07:04:35 neeraj Exp $
Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key. This grammar pool implementation stores two types of grammars: those keyed by the root element name, and those keyed by the grammar's target namespace. This is the default implementation of the GrammarPool interface. As we move forward, this will become more function-rich and robust.
@author Jeffrey Rodriguez, IBM
@author Andy Clark, IBM
@author Neil Graham, IBM
@author Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems
@author Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems
@version $Id: XMLGrammarPoolImpl.java,v 1.3 2002/11/28 18:51:28 sandygao Exp $