if (tFactory.getFeature(SAXSource.FEATURE) && tFactory.getFeature(SAXResult.FEATURE))
// Cast the TransformerFactory to SAXTransformerFactory.
SAXTransformerFactory saxTFactory = ((SAXTransformerFactory) tFactory);
// Create an XMLFilter for each stylesheet.
XMLFilter xmlFilter1 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("foo1.xsl"));
XMLFilter xmlFilter2 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("foo2.xsl"));
XMLFilter xmlFilter3 = saxTFactory.newXMLFilter(new StreamSource("foo3.xsl"));
// Create an XMLReader.
XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
// xmlFilter1 uses the XMLReader as its reader.
// xmlFilter2 uses xmlFilter1 as its reader.
// xmlFilter3 uses xmlFilter2 as its reader.
// xmlFilter3 outputs SAX events to the serializer.
Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer
// Perform the series of transformations as follows:
// - transformer3 gets its parent (transformer2) as the XMLReader/XMLFilter
// and calls transformer2.parse(new InputSource("foo.xml")).
// - transformer2 gets its parent (transformer1) as the XMLReader/XMLFilter
// and calls transformer1.parse(new InputSource("foo.xml")).
// - transformer1 gets its parent (reader, a SAXParser) as the XMLReader
// and calls reader.parse(new InputSource("foo.xml")).
// - reader parses the XML document and sends the SAX parse events to transformer1,
// which performs transformation 1 and sends the output to transformer2.
// - transformer2 parses the transformation 1 output, performs transformation 2, and
// sends the output to transformer3.
// - transformer3 parses the transformation 2 output, performs transformation 3,
// and sends the output to the serializer.
xmlFilter3.parse(new InputSource("foo.xml"));