Examples of XMLFaultReason

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

    private MessageContext createSampleFaultMessageContext() throws Exception {
        MessageFactory factory = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
        Message msg = factory.create(Protocol.soap11);

        XMLFaultReason reason = new XMLFaultReason(FAULT_INPUT);
        XMLFault fault = new XMLFault(XMLFaultCode.SENDER, reason);

        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        mc.setMEPContext(new MEPContext(mc));
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

    private LogicalMessageContext createSampleFaultContext() throws Exception {
        MessageFactory factory = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
        Message msg = factory.create(Protocol.soap11);
        XMLFaultReason reason = new XMLFaultReason(FAULT_INPUT);       
        XMLFault fault = new XMLFault(XMLFaultCode.SENDER, reason);
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        mc.setMEPContext(new MEPContext(mc));
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

                String text = t.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = t.toString();
                // Now make a XMLFault containing the detailblock
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null, new XMLFaultReason(text), detailBlocks);
            } else {
                xmlfault = createXMLFaultFromSystemException(t);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // If an exception occurs while demarshalling an exception,
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

                SOAPFault soapFault = sfe.getFault();
                if (soapFault == null) {
                    // No fault ?  I will treat this like category E
                    xmlfault =
                        new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                     new XMLFaultReason(
                                     t.toString()))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
                } else {
                    xmlfault = XMLFaultUtils.createXMLFault(soapFault);

            } else if (t instanceof WebServiceException) {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Marshal as a WebServiceException");
                // Category D: WebServiceException
                // The reason is constructed with the getMessage of the exception. 
                // There is no detail
                WebServiceException wse = (WebServiceException)t;

                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = wse.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = wse.toString();
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                        new XMLFaultReason(
                                             text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            } else {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Marshal as a unchecked System Exception");
                // Category E: Other System Exception
                // The reason is constructed with the toString of the exception. 
                // This places the class name of the exception in the reason
                // There is no detail.
                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = t.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = t.toString();
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                        new XMLFaultReason(
                                                text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            return xmlfault;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            try {
                // If an exception occurs while demarshalling an exception,
                // then rinse and repeat with a webservice exception
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("An exception (" + e + ") occurred while marshalling exception (" +
                            t + ")");
                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = e.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = e.toString();
                WebServiceException wse = ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e);

                return new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                    new XMLFaultReason(
                                            text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // Exception while creating Exception for Exception
                throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e2);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

        XMLFault xmlFault = XMLFaultUtils.createXMLFault(fault);
        assertTrue(xmlFault != null);
        XMLFaultReason reason = xmlFault.getReason();
        assertTrue(reason != null);
        assertTrue(reason.getText().equals("Custom Fault"));
        XMLFaultCode code = xmlFault.getCode();
        assertTrue(code != null);
        QName codeQName = code.toQName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_1_ENVELOPE);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

                String text = t.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = t.toString();
                // Now make a XMLFault containing the detailblock
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null, new XMLFaultReason(text), detailBlocks);
            } else {
                xmlfault = createXMLFaultFromSystemException(t);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // If an exception occurs while demarshalling an exception,
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

                SOAPFault soapFault = sfe.getFault();
                if (soapFault == null) {
                    // No fault ?  I will treat this like category E
                    xmlfault =
                        new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                     new XMLFaultReason(
                                     t.toString()))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
                } else {
                    xmlfault = XMLFaultUtils.createXMLFault(soapFault);

            } else if (t instanceof WebServiceException) {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Marshal as a WebServiceException");
                // Category D: WebServiceException
                // The reason is constructed with the getMessage of the exception. 
                // There is no detail
                WebServiceException wse = (WebServiceException)t;

                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = wse.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = wse.toString();
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                        new XMLFaultReason(
                                             text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            } else {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Marshal as a unchecked System Exception");
                // Category E: Other System Exception
                // The reason is constructed with the toString of the exception. 
                // This places the class name of the exception in the reason
                // There is no detail.
                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = t.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = t.toString();
                xmlfault = new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                        new XMLFaultReason(
                                                text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            return xmlfault;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            try {
                // If an exception occurs while demarshalling an exception,
                // then rinse and repeat with a webservice exception
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("An exception (" + e + ") occurred while marshalling exception (" +
                            t + ")");
                // Get the fault text using algorithm defined in JAX-WS
                String text = e.getMessage();
                if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
                    text = e.toString();
                WebServiceException wse = ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e);

                return new XMLFault(null,       // Use the default XMLFaultCode
                                    new XMLFaultReason(
                                            text))// Assumes text lang of current Locale
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // Exception while creating Exception for Exception
                throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(e2);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

            soapTexts = soapReason.getAllSoapTexts();
            SOAPFaultText reasonText = (SOAPFaultText)soapTexts.get(0);
            text = reasonText.getText();
            lang = reasonText.getLang();
        XMLFaultReason reason = new XMLFaultReason(text, lang);

        // Construct the XMLFault from the required information (code, reason, detail blocks)
        XMLFault xmlFault = new XMLFault(code, reason, detailBlocks);

        // Add the secondary fault information

        // Get the SubCodes
        SOAPFaultSubCode soapSubCode = soapCode.getSubCode();
        if (soapSubCode != null) {
            List<QName> list = new ArrayList<QName>();

            // Walk the nested sub codes and collect the qnames
            while (soapSubCode != null) {
                SOAPFaultValue soapSubCodeValue = soapSubCode.getValue();
                QName qName = soapSubCodeValue.getTextAsQName();
                soapSubCode = soapSubCode.getSubCode();

            // Put the collected sub code qnames onto the xmlFault
            QName[] qNames = new QName[list.size()];

        // Get the secondary Reasons...the first reason was already saved as the primary reason
        if (soapTexts != null && soapTexts.size() > 1) {
            XMLFaultReason[] secondaryReasons = new XMLFaultReason[soapTexts.size() - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < soapTexts.size(); i++) {
                SOAPFaultText soapReasonText = (SOAPFaultText)soapTexts.get(i);
                secondaryReasons[i - 1] = new XMLFaultReason(soapReasonText.getText(),
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

        // Get the primary reason text
        // TODO what if this fails
        String text = soapFault.getFaultString();
        Locale locale = soapFault.getFaultStringLocale();
        XMLFaultReason reason = new XMLFaultReason(text, localeToXmlLang(locale));

        // Construct the XMLFault from the required information (code, reason, detail blocks)
        XMLFault xmlFault = new XMLFault(code, reason, detailBlocks);

        boolean isSOAP12 =

        // Add the secondary fault information

        // Get the SubCodes
        if (isSOAP12) {
            Iterator it = soapFault.getFaultSubcodes();
            List<QName> list = new ArrayList<QName>();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                QName qName = (QName)it.next();
            if (list.size() > 0) {
                QName[] subCodes = new QName[list.size()];
                subCodes = list.toArray(subCodes);

        // Get the secondary Reasons...the first reason was already saved as the primary reason
        if (isSOAP12) {
            try {
                Iterator it = soapFault.getFaultReasonLocales();
                boolean first = true;
                List<XMLFaultReason> list = new ArrayList<XMLFaultReason>();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    locale = (Locale)it.next();
                    if (first) {
                        first = false;
                    } else {
                        text = soapFault.getFaultReasonText(locale);
                        list.add(new XMLFaultReason(text, localeToXmlLang(locale)));
                if (list.size() > 0) {
                    XMLFaultReason[] secondaryReasons = new XMLFaultReason[list.size()];
                    secondaryReasons = list.toArray(secondaryReasons);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFaultReason

                curr = subCode;

        // Set the secondary reasons and languages
        XMLFaultReason reasons[] = xmlFault.getSecondaryReasons();
        if (reasons != null && reasons.length > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < reasons.length; i++) {
                SOAPFaultText soapReasonText = factory.createSOAPFaultText(soapReason);
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