A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse XML documents.
The parsed document will be stored keeping its structure. The class also tries to preserve as much information from the loaded XML document as possible, including comments and processing instructions. These will be contained in documents created by the save()
methods, too.
Like other file based configuration classes this class maintains the name and path to the loaded configuration file. These properties can be altered using several setter methods, but they are not modified by save()
and load()
methods. If XML documents contain relative paths to other documents (e.g. to a DTD), these references are resolved based on the path set for this configuration.
By inheriting from {@link AbstractConfiguration}
this class provides some extended functionality, e.g. interpolation of property values. Like in {@link PropertiesConfiguration}
property values can contain delimiter characters (the comma ',' per default) and are then split into multiple values. This works for XML attributes and text content of elements as well. The delimiter can be escaped by a backslash. As an example consider the following XML fragment:
<config> <array>10,20,30,40</array> <scalar>3\,1415</scalar> <cite text="To be or not to be\, this is the question!"/> </config>
Here the content of the array
element will be split at the commas, so the array
key will be assigned 4 values. In the scalar
property and the text
attribute of the cite
element the comma is escaped, so that no splitting is performed.
The configuration API allows setting multiple values for a single attribute, e.g. something like the following is legal (assuming that the default expression engine is used):
XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(); config.addProperty("test.dir[@name]", "C:\\Temp\\"); config.addProperty("test.dir[@name]", "D:\\Data\\");
Because in XML such a constellation is not directly supported (an attribute can appear only once for a single element), the values are concatenated to a single value. If delimiter parsing is enabled (refer to the {@link #setDelimiterParsingDisabled(boolean)}
method), the current list delimiter character will be used as separator. Otherwise the pipe symbol ("|") will be used for this purpose. No matter which character is used as delimiter, it can always be escaped with a backslash. A backslash itself can also be escaped with another backslash. Consider the following example fragment from a configuration file:
<directories names="C:\Temp\\|D:\Data\"/>Here the backslash after Temp is escaped. This is necessary because it would escape the list delimiter (the pipe symbol assuming that list delimiter parsing is disabled) otherwise. So this attribute would have two values.
Note: You should ensure that the delimiter parsing disabled property is always consistent when you load and save a configuration file. Otherwise the values of properties can become corrupted.
implements the {@link FileConfiguration}
interface and thus provides full support for loading XML documents from different sources like files, URLs, or streams. A full description of these features can be found in the documentation of {@link AbstractFileConfiguration}
Note:Configuration objects of this type can be read concurrently by multiple threads. However if one of these threads modifies the object, synchronization has to be performed manually.
@since commons-configuration 1.0 @author Jörg Schaible @author Oliver Heger @version $Revision: 589380 $, $Date: 2007-10-28 17:37:35 +0100 (So, 28 Okt 2007) $<indent xml:space="preserve"> </indent>The value of the {@code indent} property will now contain the spaces.
{@code XMLConfiguration} implements the {@link FileBasedConfiguration}interface and thus can be used together with a file-based builder to load XML configuration files from various sources like files, URLs, or streams.
Like other {@code Configuration} implementations, this class uses a{@code Synchronizer} object to control concurrent access. By choosing asuitable implementation of the {@code Synchronizer} interface, an instancecan be made thread-safe or not. Note that access to most of the properties typically set through a builder is not protected by the {@code Synchronizer}. The intended usage is that these properties are set once at construction time through the builder and after that remain constant. If you wish to change such properties during life time of an instance, you have to use the {@code lock()} and {@code unlock()} methods manually to ensure that otherthreads see your changes.
@since commons-configuration 1.0 @author Jörg Schaible @version $Id: XMLConfiguration.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $Configures objects from XML.
This class reads an XML file conforming to the configure.dtd DTD and uses it to configure and object by calling set, put or other methods on the object.
The actual XML file format may be changed (eg to spring XML) by implementing the {@link ConfigurationProcessorFactory} interface to be found by the{@link ServiceLoader} by using the DTD and first tag element in the file.Note that DTD will be null if validation is off.
The configuration can be parameterised with properties that are looked up via the Property XML element and set on the configuration via the map returned from {@link #getProperties()}
The configuration can create and lookup beans by ID. If multiple configurations are used, then it is good practise to copy the entries from the {@link #getIdMap()} of a configuration to the next configuration so that they can share an ID space for beans.