Examples of XMLAttributeDecl

Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

        // 5 If either O1 or O2 is a pair of not and a namespace name and the other is a set of (namespace names or �absent�), then The appropriate case among the following must be true:
        if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST ||
            oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER) {
            XMLAttributeDecl anyList, anyOther;
            if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
                anyList = oneAny;
                anyOther = anotherAny;
            } else {
                anyList = anotherAny;
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

    private void processAttributes(Element attrNode, QName baseName,
               ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo) throws Exception {

        XMLAttributeDecl attWildcard = null;
        Vector anyAttDecls = new Vector();

        Element child;
        for (child = attrNode;
             child != null;
             child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {

            String childName = child.getLocalName();

            if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo, false);
            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) {

            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) {
                attWildcard = traverseAnyAttribute(child);
            else {
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError( "Invalid child among the children of the complexType definition");

        if (attWildcard != null) {
            XMLAttributeDecl fromGroup = null;
            final int count = anyAttDecls.size();
            if ( count > 0) {
                fromGroup = (XMLAttributeDecl) anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
                for (int i=1; i<count; i++) {
                    fromGroup = AWildCardIntersection(
            if (fromGroup != null) {
                int saveProcessContents = attWildcard.defaultType;
                attWildcard = AWildCardIntersection(attWildcard, fromGroup);
                attWildcard.defaultType = saveProcessContents;
        else {
            //REVISIT: unclear in the Scheme Structures 4.3.3 what to do in this case
            if (anyAttDecls.size()>0) {
                attWildcard = (XMLAttributeDecl)anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
        // merge in base type's attribute decls
        XMLAttributeDecl baseAttWildcard = null;
        ComplexTypeInfo baseTypeInfo = typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo;

        SchemaGrammar aGrammar=null;
        if (baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.attlistHead > -1 ) {
            int attDefIndex = baseTypeInfo.attlistHead;
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

                      uriIndex = fTargetNSURI;
              QName referredAttQName = new QName(-1,referredAttName,referredAttName,uriIndex);

                  int tempIndex = fSchemaGrammar.getAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex, referredAttQName);
                    XMLAttributeDecl referredAttrDecl = new XMLAttributeDecl();
          fSchemaGrammar.getAttributeDecl(tempIndex, referredAttrDecl);

                    boolean updated = false;

                    int useDigits =   XMLAttributeDecl.USE_TYPE_OPTIONAL |
                                      XMLAttributeDecl.USE_TYPE_PROHIBITED |

                    int valueDigits = XMLAttributeDecl.VALUE_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT |

                    if(!isOptional &&
                       (referredAttrDecl.defaultType & useDigits) !=
                       (attValueAndUseType & useDigits))
                        if(referredAttrDecl.defaultType != XMLAttributeDecl.USE_TYPE_PROHIBITED) {
                                referredAttrDecl.defaultType |= useDigits;
                                referredAttrDecl.defaultType ^= useDigits; // clear the use
                            referredAttrDecl.defaultType |= (attValueAndUseType & useDigits);
                            updated = true;

                    if(fixedStr.length() > 0) {
                        if((referredAttrDecl.defaultType & XMLAttributeDecl.VALUE_CONSTRAINT_FIXED) == 0) {
                            referredAttrDecl.defaultType |= valueDigits;
                            referredAttrDecl.defaultType ^= valueDigits; // clear the value
                            referredAttrDecl.defaultType |= XMLAttributeDecl.VALUE_CONSTRAINT_FIXED;
                            referredAttrDecl.defaultValue = fixedStr;
                            updated = true;

                    if(updated) {
                        fSchemaGrammar.setAttributeDecl(typeInfo.templateElementIndex, tempIndex, referredAttrDecl);
            else if (fAttributeDeclRegistry.get(localpart) != null) {
                addAttributeDeclFromAnotherSchema(localpart, uriStr, typeInfo, defaultAtt != null, fixedAtt != null, fixedStr, attValueAndUseType);
            else {
                    // REVISIT: Localize
                reportGenericSchemaError ( "Couldn't find top level attribute " + refStr + errorContext);
            return 0;

        if (uriIndex == fXsiURI) {
            reportGenericSchemaError("no-xsi: The {target namespace} of an attribute declaration must not match " + SchemaSymbols.URI_XSI + errorContext);

        // validation of attribute type is same for each case of declaration
        if (simpleTypeChild != null) {
            attType        = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
            dataTypeSymbol = traverseSimpleTypeDecl(simpleTypeChild);
            localpart = fStringPool.toString(dataTypeSymbol);
            dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator(localpart);
        else if (datatypeStr.length() != 0) {
            dataTypeSymbol = fStringPool.addSymbol(datatypeStr);
            String prefix;
            int  colonptr = datatypeStr.indexOf(":");
            if ( colonptr > 0) {
                prefix = datatypeStr.substring(0,colonptr);
                localpart = datatypeStr.substring(colonptr+1);
            else {
                prefix = "";
                localpart = datatypeStr;
            String typeURI = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);

            if ( typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)) {
                dv = getDatatypeValidator(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, localpart);

                if (localpart.equals("ID")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ID;
                } else if (localpart.equals("IDREF")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_IDREF;
                } else if (localpart.equals("IDREFS")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_IDREF;
                    attIsList = true;
                } else if (localpart.equals("ENTITY")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ENTITY;
                } else if (localpart.equals("ENTITIES")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ENTITY;
                    attIsList = true;
                } else if (localpart.equals("NMTOKEN")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NMTOKEN;
                } else if (localpart.equals("NMTOKENS")) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NMTOKEN;
                    attIsList = true;
                } else if (localpart.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_NOTATION)) {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NOTATION;
                else {
                    attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
                    if(dv == null && !referredTo) {
                        // REVISIT:  localize
                        reportGenericSchemaError("attribute " + attNameStr + " has a type (" + datatypeStr + ") which is not recognized as one of the predefined schema datatypes");
            } else { //isn't of the schema for schemas namespace...
                attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
                // check if the type is from the same Schema

                dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
                if (dv == null && typeURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString) ) {
                    Element topleveltype = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
                    if (topleveltype != null) {
                        traverseSimpleTypeDecl( topleveltype );
                        dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
                    }else if (!referredTo) {
                        // REVISIT: Localize
                        reportGenericSchemaError("simpleType not found : " + "("+typeURI+":"+ localpart+")"+ errorContext);
                } if(dv == null && !referredTo) {
                    // REVISIT:  localize
                    reportGenericSchemaError("attribute " + attNameStr + " has an unrecognized type " + datatypeStr);
        } else {
            attType        = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
            localpart      = "string";
            dataTypeSymbol = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
            dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator(localpart);
        } // if(...Type)

        // validation of data constraint is same for each case of declaration
        if(defaultStr.length() > 0) {
            attValueAndUseType |= XMLAttributeDecl.VALUE_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT;
            attValueConstraint = fStringPool.addString(defaultStr);
        else if(fixedStr.length() > 0) {
            attValueAndUseType |= XMLAttributeDecl.VALUE_CONSTRAINT_FIXED;
            attValueConstraint = fStringPool.addString(fixedStr);

        ////// Check W3C's PR-Structure 3.2.6
        // --- Constraints on Attribute Declaration Schema Components
        // check default value is valid for the datatype.
        if (attType == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE && attValueConstraint != -1) {
            try {
                if (dv != null) {
                    if(defaultStr.length() > 0) {
                        dv.validate(defaultStr, null);
                    else {
                        dv.validate(fixedStr, null);
                else if (!referredTo)
                            new Object [] { datatypeStr });
            } catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException idve) {
        if (!referredTo)
                        new Object [] { attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME), idve.getMessage() });    //a-props-correct.2

        // check the coexistence of ID and value constraint
        dvIsDerivedFromID =
          ((dv != null) && dv instanceof IDDatatypeValidator);
        if (dvIsDerivedFromID && attValueConstraint != -1)
            reportGenericSchemaError("a-props-correct.3: If type definition is or is derived from ID ," +
                "there must not be a value constraint" + errorContext);

        if (attNameStr.equals("xmlns")) {
            reportGenericSchemaError("no-xmlns: The {name} of an attribute declaration must not match 'xmlns'" + errorContext);

        ////// every contraints were matched.  Now register the attribute declaration
        //put the top-levels in the attribute decl registry.
        if (isAttrTopLevel) {
            fTempAttributeDecl.datatypeValidator = dv;
            fTempAttributeDecl.type = attType;
            fTempAttributeDecl.defaultType = attValueAndUseType;
            fTempAttributeDecl.list = attIsList;
            if (attValueConstraint != -1 ) {
                fTempAttributeDecl.defaultValue = fStringPool.toString(attValueConstraint);
            } else {
                fTempAttributeDecl.defaultValue = null;
            fAttributeDeclRegistry.put(attNameStr, new XMLAttributeDecl(fTempAttributeDecl));

        // add attribute to attr decl pool in fSchemaGrammar,
        if (typeInfo != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

            reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute named \"" + name
                                      + "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
            return -1;

        XMLAttributeDecl referredAttrDecl = (XMLAttributeDecl) attrRegistry.get(name);

        if (referredAttrDecl == null) {
            // REVISIT: Localize
            reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute named \"" + name
                                      + "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

            reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute named \"" + name
                                      + "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
            return -1;

        XMLAttributeDecl referredAttrDecl = new XMLAttributeDecl((XMLAttributeDecl) attrRegistry.get(name));

        if (referredAttrDecl == null) {
            // REVISIT: Localize
            reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute named \"" + name
                                      + "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

                    if(bAttGrpStore != null) { // we have something!
                        ComplexTypeInfo bTypeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo)bAttGrpStore[0];
                        SchemaGrammar bSchemaGrammar = (SchemaGrammar)bAttGrpStore[1];
                        Vector bAnyAttDecls = (Vector)bAttGrpStore[2];
                        XMLAttributeDecl bAnyAttDecl =
                            (bAnyAttDecls.size()>0 )? (XMLAttributeDecl)bAnyAttDecls.elementAt(0):null;
                        ComplexTypeInfo dTypeInfo = new ComplexTypeInfo();
                        int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+dName);
                        int dTypeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("%"+dName);
                        dTypeInfo.scopeDefined = -2;
                        dTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle = -1;
                        dTypeInfo.contentType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
                        dTypeInfo.datatypeValidator = null;
                        dTypeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
                            new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,dTypeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
                            (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : -2, dTypeInfo.scopeDefined,
                            dTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, dTypeInfo.datatypeValidator);

                        Vector dAnyAttDecls = new Vector();
                        XMLAttributeDecl dAnyAttDecl =
                            (dAnyAttDecls.size()>0 )? (XMLAttributeDecl)dAnyAttDecls.elementAt(0):null;
                        traverseAttributeGroupDecl(child, dTypeInfo, dAnyAttDecls);
                        dTypeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(
                        try {
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

        Element annotation = checkContent( anyAttributeDecl, XUtil.getFirstChildElement(anyAttributeDecl), true );
        if(annotation != null ) {
            // REVISIT: Localize
            reportGenericSchemaError("<anyAttribute> elements can contain at most one <annotation> element in their children");
        XMLAttributeDecl anyAttDecl = new XMLAttributeDecl();
        String processContents = anyAttributeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_PROCESSCONTENTS).trim();
        String namespace = anyAttributeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAMESPACE).trim();
        // simplify!  NG
        //String curTargetUri = anyAttributeDecl.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
        String curTargetUri = fTargetNSURIString;
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

        // 3 If either O1 or O2 is a pair of not and a namespace name and the other is a set of (namespace names or �absent�), then that set, minus the negated namespace name if it was in the set, must be the value.
        if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST ||
            oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER) {
            XMLAttributeDecl anyList, anyOther;
            if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
                anyList = oneAny;
                anyOther = anotherAny;
            } else {
                anyList = anotherAny;
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

        // 5 If either O1 or O2 is a pair of not and a namespace name and the other is a set of (namespace names or �absent�), then The appropriate case among the following must be true:
        if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST ||
            oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST &&
            anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER) {
            XMLAttributeDecl anyList, anyOther;
            if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
                anyList = oneAny;
                anyOther = anotherAny;
            } else {
                anyList = anotherAny;
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Examples of org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl

    private void processAttributes(Element attrNode, QName baseName,
               ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo) throws Exception {

        XMLAttributeDecl attWildcard = null;
        Vector anyAttDecls = new Vector();

        Element child;
        for (child = attrNode;
             child != null;
             child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {

            String childName = child.getLocalName();

            if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo, false);
            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) {

            else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) {
                attWildcard = traverseAnyAttribute(child);
            else {
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError( "Invalid child among the children of the complexType definition");

        if (attWildcard != null) {
            XMLAttributeDecl fromGroup = null;
            final int count = anyAttDecls.size();
            if ( count > 0) {
                fromGroup = (XMLAttributeDecl) anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
                for (int i=1; i<count; i++) {
                    fromGroup = AWildCardIntersection(
            if (fromGroup != null) {
                int saveProcessContents = attWildcard.defaultType;
                attWildcard = AWildCardIntersection(attWildcard, fromGroup);
                attWildcard.defaultType = saveProcessContents;
        else {
            //REVISIT: unclear in the Scheme Structures 4.3.3 what to do in this case
            if (anyAttDecls.size()>0) {
                attWildcard = (XMLAttributeDecl)anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
        // merge in base type's attribute decls
        XMLAttributeDecl baseAttWildcard = null;
        ComplexTypeInfo baseTypeInfo = typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo;

        SchemaGrammar aGrammar=null;
        if (baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.attlistHead > -1 ) {
            int attDefIndex = baseTypeInfo.attlistHead;
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