Examples of XHTMLImporter

Examples of org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporter

    log.debug("convertXHTML extension function for: " + sdtParent + "/w:sdt/w:sdtContent/" + contentChild);
    org.w3c.dom.Document docContainer = XmlUtils.neww3cDomDocument();
    DocumentFragment docfrag = docContainer.createDocumentFragment();
    XHTMLImporter xHTMLImporter= null;
    Class<?> xhtmlImporterClass = null;
      try {
        xhtmlImporterClass = Class.forName("org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporterImpl");
        Constructor<?> ctor = xhtmlImporterClass.getConstructor(WordprocessingMLPackage.class);
        xHTMLImporter = (XHTMLImporter) ctor.newInstance(pkg);
      } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error("docx4j-XHTMLImport jar not found. Please add this to your classpath.");
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return xhtmlError(sdtParent, docContainer, docfrag, "Missing XHTML Handler!");
      /* Find setBookmarkIdNext method.
       * It's not part of the interface until 3.3.0, so use reflection
    Method[] methods = xhtmlImporterClass.getMethods();
    Method method = null;
    for (int j=0; j<methods.length; j++) {
      if (methods[j].getName().equals("setBookmarkIdNext")
          && methods[j].getParameterTypes().length==1) {
        method = methods[j];
    if (method==null) {
      log.info("setBookmarkIdNext method not found.  If you are using docx4j-ImportXHTML v3.2.1 or later, it should be present.");       
    } else {
      try {
        method.invoke(xHTMLImporter, bookmarkCounter.bookmarkId);
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        log.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
    QueryString qs = new QueryString();
    HashMap<String, String> map = qs.parseQueryString(tag, true);
    String xpathId = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_XPATH);
    log.info("Looking for xpath by id: " + xpathId);
    Xpath xpath = xPathsPart.getXPathById(xPathsPart.getJaxbElement(), xpathId);
    if (xpath==null) {
      log.warn("Couldn't find xpath with id: " + xpathId);
      return null;
    String storeItemId = xpath.getDataBinding().getStoreItemID();
    String xpathExp = xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath();
    String prefixMappings = xpath.getDataBinding().getPrefixMappings();
    String r = BindingHandler.xpathGetString(pkg, customXmlDataStorageParts, storeItemId, xpathExp, prefixMappings);
    try {

      RPr rPrSDT = null;
      Node rPrNode = rPrNodeIt.nextNode();
      if (rPrNode!=null) {
        rPrSDT = (RPr)XmlUtils.unmarshal(rPrNode);
      if (r==null || r.trim().equals("")) {
        return createPlaceholder(rPrSDT, sdtParent);

      r = r.trim();
//      log.debug(r);
      //String unescaped = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(r);
      //log.info("Unescaped: " + unescaped);
      // It comes to us unescaped, so the above is unnecessary.
      if (r.startsWith("<span")) {
        // Wrap the XHTML in a span element with @class, @style as appropriate
        // so FS uses suitable CSS
        // Code copied from XsltHTMLFunctions.createBlockForRPr
        Style defaultRunStyle =
            (pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false) != null ?
                pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false).getDefaultCharacterStyle() :
          String defaultCharacterStyleId;
          if (defaultRunStyle.getStyleId()==null) // possible, for non MS source docx
            defaultCharacterStyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont";
          else defaultCharacterStyleId = defaultRunStyle.getStyleId();
          StyleTree styleTree = pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleTree();
        // Set @class 
        String classVal =null;
        String rStyleVal = defaultCharacterStyleId;
        if ( rPrSDT!=null && rPrSDT.getRStyle()!=null) {
          rStyleVal = rPrSDT.getRStyle().getVal();
        Tree<AugmentedStyle> cTree = styleTree.getCharacterStylesTree();   
        org.docx4j.model.styles.Node<AugmentedStyle> asn = cTree.get(rStyleVal);
        if (asn==null) {
          log.warn("No style node for: " + rStyleVal);
        } else {
          classVal = StyleTree.getHtmlClassAttributeValue(cTree, asn);   
        String css = null;
        if ( rPrSDT!=null) {
          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
          HtmlCssHelper.createCss(pkg, rPrSDT, result);
          css = result.toString();
          if (css.equals("")) {
            css =null;
        if (css==null && classVal==null) {
          // Do nothing
        } else if (classVal==null) {
          // just @style
          r = "<span style=\"" + css + "\">" + r + "</span>";
        } else if (css==null) {
          // just @class
          r = "<span class=\"" + classVal + "\">" + r + "</span>";
        } else {
          r = "<span style=\"" + css + "\" class=\"" + classVal + "\">" + r + "</span>";          
        log.debug("\nenhanced with css: \n" + r);
      } else if (Docx4jProperties.getProperty("docx4j.model.datastorage.BindingTraverser.XHTML.Block.rStyle.Adopt", false)) {
        // its block level, and we're instructed to apply the paragraph style
        // linked to w:sdtPr/w:rPr/w:rStyle (if any)
        String rStyleVal=null;
        if ( rPrSDT!=null && rPrSDT.getRStyle()!=null) {
          rStyleVal = rPrSDT.getRStyle().getVal();
          log.debug(".." + rStyleVal);
        if (rStyleVal==null) {

          log.debug("No rStyle specified ");
        } else {
          Style pStyle = pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false).getLinkedStyle(rStyleVal);
          if (pStyle==null) {
            log.warn("No linked style for " + rStyleVal);
          } else {
            // Got the pStyle .. now apply it in the XHTML
              StyleTree styleTree = pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleTree();
              String pStyleVal = pStyle.getStyleId();
            log.debug(".." + pStyleVal);
            // Set @class 
            String classVal =null;
            Tree<AugmentedStyle> pTree = styleTree.getParagraphStylesTree();   
            org.docx4j.model.styles.Node<AugmentedStyle> asn = pTree.get(pStyleVal);
            if (asn==null) {
              log.warn("No style node for: " + pStyleVal);
            } else {
              classVal = StyleTree.getHtmlClassAttributeValue(pTree, asn);   
            String css = null;
            if ( rPrSDT!=null) {
              StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
              HtmlCssHelper.createCss(pkg, rPrSDT, result);
              css = result.toString();
              if (css.equals("")) {
                css =null;
            // Recurse the XHTML, adding @class and @style
            r = XHTMLAttrInjector.injectAttrs(r, classVal, css);

            log.debug(".." + r);
//          Method setHyperlinkStyleMethod = xhtmlImporterClass.getMethod("setHyperlinkStyle", String.class);
//          setHyperlinkStyleMethod.invoke(null,
//              BindingHandler.getHyperlinkResolver().getHyperlinkStyleId());
      String baseUrl = null;
      List<Object> results = null;
      try {
        results = xHTMLImporter.convert(r, baseUrl );
//            Method convertMethod = xhtmlImporterClass.getMethod("convert", String.class, String.class, WordprocessingMLPackage.class );
//            results = (List<Object>)convertMethod.invoke(null, r, baseUrl, pkg);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {
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Examples of org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporter

      // Can we process it?
      AltChunkType type = afip.getAltChunkType();

      if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Xhtml) ) {
        XHTMLImporter xHTMLImporter= null;
          try {
            Class<?> xhtmlImporterClass = Class.forName("org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporterImpl");
            Constructor<?> ctor = xhtmlImporterClass.getConstructor(WordprocessingMLPackage.class);
            xHTMLImporter = (XHTMLImporter) ctor.newInstance(clonePkg);
          } catch (Exception e) {
              log.error("docx4j-XHTMLImport jar not found. Please add this to your classpath.");
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          return null;
              List<Object> results = null;
        try {
          results = xHTMLImporter.convert(toString(afip.getBuffer()), null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          // Skip this one
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