protected XFormDialog buildDialog( Interface modelItem )
XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Axis2 artifacts" );
XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );
addWSDLFields( mainForm, modelItem );
mainForm.addTextField( OUTPUT, "root directory for generated files.", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
mainForm.addTextField( PACKAGE, "target package nam", XForm.FieldType.JAVA_PACKAGE );
XFormField dbComboBox = mainForm.addComboBox( DATABINDING, new String[] { "xmlbeans", "adb", "jibx", "jaxme" },
"Specifies the Databinding framework." );
mainForm.addCheckBox( ASYNC, "(generate code only for async style)" );
mainForm.addCheckBox( SYNC, "(generate code only for sync style)" );
mainForm.addCheckBox( TESTCASE, "(Generate a test case)" );
XFormField serverSideCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVERSIDE, "(Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons))" );
XFormField ssiCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVERSIDEINTERFACE, "(Generate interface for server side)" );
XFormField sdCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERICEDESCRIPTOR, "(Generate the service descriptor (i.e. server.xml).)" );
serverSideCB.addComponentEnabler( ssiCB, "true" );
serverSideCB.addComponentEnabler( sdCB, "true" );
XForm advForm = builder.createForm( "Advanced" );
advForm.addCheckBox( GENERATEALL, "(Genrates all the classes)" );
advForm.addCheckBox( UNPACK, "(Unpacks the databinding classes)" );
advForm.addTextField( SERVICE_NAME, "the service name to be code generated", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
advForm.addTextField( PORT_NAME, "the port name to be code generated", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
advForm.addComponent( NAMESPACE_MAPPING, new NamespaceTable( ( WsdlInterface )modelItem ) );
XFormField adbWrapCB = advForm.addCheckBox( ADB_WRAP,
"(Sets the packing flag. if true the classes will be packed.)" );
XFormField adbWriteCB = advForm.addCheckBox( ADB_WRITE,
"(Sets the write flag. If set to true the classes will be written by ADB)" );
XFormTextField jibxCB = advForm.addTextField( JIBX_BINDING_FILE, "The JIBX binding file to use",
XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );
dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( adbWrapCB, "adb" );
dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( adbWriteCB, "adb" );
dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( jibxCB, "jibx" );
buildArgsForm( builder, false, "WSDL2Java" );
return builder.buildDialog( buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.AXIS2X_HELP_URL, modelItem ),
"Specify arguments for Axis 2.X Wsdl2Java", UISupport.TOOL_ICON );