"For the collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+collDef.getOwner().getName()+", a remote foreignkey was specified though it is a 1:n, not a m:n collection");
ClassDescriptorDef ownerClass = (ClassDescriptorDef)collDef.getOwner();
ArrayList primFields = ownerClass.getPrimaryKeys();
String elementClassName = collDef.getProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_ELEMENT_CLASS_REF);
ArrayList queue = new ArrayList();
ClassDescriptorDef elementClass;
ArrayList keyFields;
FieldDescriptorDef keyField;
FieldDescriptorDef primField;
String primType;
String keyType;
// we know that the class is present because the collection constraints have been checked already
while (!queue.isEmpty())
elementClass = (ClassDescriptorDef)queue.get(0);
for (Iterator it = elementClass.getExtentClasses(); it.hasNext();)
if (!elementClass.getBooleanProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_GENERATE_REPOSITORY_INFO, true))
keyFields = elementClass.getFields(foreignkey);
catch (NoSuchFieldException ex)
throw new ConstraintException("The collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+collDef.getOwner().getName()+" specifies a foreignkey "+ex.getMessage()+" that is not a persistent field in the element class (or its subclass) "+elementClass.getName());
if (primFields.size() != keyFields.size())
throw new ConstraintException("The number of foreignkeys ("+keyFields.size()+") of the collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+collDef.getOwner().getName()+" doesn't match the number of primarykeys ("+primFields.size()+") of its owner class "+ownerClass.getName());
for (int idx = 0; idx < keyFields.size(); idx++)
keyField = (FieldDescriptorDef)keyFields.get(idx);
if (keyField.getBooleanProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_IGNORE, false))
throw new ConstraintException("The collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+ownerClass.getName()+" uses the field "+keyField.getName()+" as foreignkey although this field is ignored in the element class (or its subclass) "+elementClass.getName());
// the jdbc types of the primary keys must match the jdbc types of the foreignkeys (in the correct order)
for (int idx = 0; idx < primFields.size(); idx++)
keyField = (FieldDescriptorDef)keyFields.get(idx);
if (keyField.getBooleanProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_IGNORE, false))
throw new ConstraintException("The collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+ownerClass.getName()+" uses the field "+keyField.getName()+" as foreignkey although this field is ignored in the element class (or its subclass) "+elementClass.getName());
primField = (FieldDescriptorDef)primFields.get(idx);
primType = primField.getProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_JDBC_TYPE);
keyType = keyField.getProperty(PropertyHelper.OJB_PROPERTY_JDBC_TYPE);
if (!primType.equals(keyType))
throw new ConstraintException("The jdbc-type of foreignkey "+keyField.getName()+" in the element class (or its subclass) "+elementClass.getName()+" used by the collection "+collDef.getName()+" in class "+ownerClass.getName()+" doesn't match the jdbc-type of the corresponding primarykey "+primField.getName());