Examples of XDevice

Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XPropertySet aControl = null;
        XPropertySet aControl2 = null;
        XPropertySet aControl3 = null;
        XPropertySet aControl4 = null;
        XGridColumnFactory columns = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = createGrid(xTextDoc, 3000, 4500, 15000, 10000);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XLoadable formLoader = FormTools.bindForm(xTextDoc);

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        try {
            columns = (XGridColumnFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                              XGridColumnFactory.class, the_Model);
            aControl = columns.createColumn("TextField");
            aControl.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Identifier");
            aControl.setPropertyValue("Label", "Identifier");
            aControl2 = columns.createColumn("TextField");
            aControl2.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Publisher");
            aControl2.setPropertyValue("Label", "Publisher");
            aControl3 = columns.createColumn("TextField");
            aControl3.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Author");
            aControl3.setPropertyValue("Label", "Author");
            aControl4 = columns.createColumn("TextField");
            aControl4.setPropertyValue("DataField", "Title");
            aControl4.setPropertyValue("Label", "Title");
        } catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // Some exception occures.FAILED
            log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e);
            throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e);
        } catch (com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException e) {
            // Some exception occures.FAILED
            log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e);
            throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e);
        } catch (com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
            // Some exception occures.FAILED
            log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e);
            throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e);
        } catch (com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException e) {
            // Some exception occures.FAILED
            log.println("!!! Couldn't create instance : " + e);
            throw new StatusException("Can't create column instances.", e);

        XNameContainer aContainer = (XNameContainer) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                            XNameContainer.class, the_Model);

        try {
            aContainer.insertByName("First", aControl);
            aContainer.insertByName("Second", aControl2);
        } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
            log.println("!!! Could't insert column Instance");
            throw new StatusException("Can't insert columns", e);

        //now get the OGridControl
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get GridControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get GridControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice


    public void initializeBasicControlValues(){
        Control oLabelControl = new Control(this, SOLABEL, new Point(), new Size());
        XDevice xDevice = (XDevice) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDevice.class, oLabelControl.xWindowPeer);
        iXPixelFactor = (int) (100000/xDevice.getInfo().PixelPerMeterX);
        iYPixelFactor = (int) (100000/xDevice.getInfo().PixelPerMeterY);
        nLabelHeight = (oLabelControl.getPreferredHeight("The quick brown fox...") + 1);
        Control oTextControl = new Control(this, SOTEXTBOX, new Point(), new Size());
        nDBRefHeight = (oTextControl.getPreferredHeight("The quick brown fox...") + 1);
        BasicLabelDiffHeight = (nDBRefHeight - nLabelHeight)/2;
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XControl aControl = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                             4500, 5000, 10000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape2);

        XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl();

        XPropertySet xPS = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                   XPropertySet.class, the_Model);

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the EditControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();

            xPS.setPropertyValue("Spin", new Boolean(true));
        } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get EditControl");
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XControl aControl = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                             4500, 5000, 10000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape2);

        XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the FileControlControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get FileControlControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get FileControlControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

        //get the ButtonControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();

            XDevice aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get ButtonControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get ButtonControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XWindow anotherWindow = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the DateFieldControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get DateFieldControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get DateFieldControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XWindow anotherWindow = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the CheckBoxControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get CheckBoxControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get CheckBoxControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XControl aControl = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                             4500, 5000, 10000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape2);

        XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the TimeFieldControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get TimeFieldControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get TimeFieldControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XControl aControl = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                             4500, 5000, 10000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape2);

        XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the RadioButtonControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get RadioButtonControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get RadioButtonControl", e);
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Examples of com.sun.star.awt.XDevice

    protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param,
                                                    PrintWriter log) {
        XInterface oObj = null;
        XWindowPeer the_win = null;
        XToolkit the_kit = null;
        XDevice aDevice = null;
        XGraphics aGraphic = null;
        XControl aControl = null;

        //Insert a ControlShape and get the ControlModel
        XControlShape aShape = FormTools.createUnoControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                               4500, 15000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape);

        XControlModel the_Model = aShape.getControl();

        XControlShape aShape2 = FormTools.createControlShape(xTextDoc, 3000,
                                                             4500, 5000, 10000,

        WriterTools.getDrawPage(xTextDoc).add((XShape) aShape2);

        XControlModel the_Model2 = aShape2.getControl();

        //Try to query XControlAccess
        XControlAccess the_access = (XControlAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

        //get the FixedTextControl for the needed Object relations
        try {
            oObj = the_access.getControl(the_Model);
            aControl = the_access.getControl(the_Model2);
            the_win = the_access.getControl(the_Model).getPeer();
            the_kit = the_win.getToolkit();
            aDevice = the_kit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(200, 200);
            aGraphic = aDevice.createGraphics();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get FixedTextControl");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get FixedTextControl", e);
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