private void doSymmSignatureDerived(Token policyToken, SecurityToken tok,
List<WSEncryptionPart> sigParts, boolean isTokenProtection)
throws WSSecurityException, ConversationException {
Document doc = saaj.getSOAPPart();
WSSecDKSign dkSign = new WSSecDKSign(wssConfig);
//Check whether it is security policy 1.2 and use the secure conversation accordingly
if (SP12Constants.INSTANCE == policyToken.getSPConstants()) {
//Check for whether the token is attached in the message or not
boolean attached = false;
if (includeToken(policyToken.getInclusion())) {
attached = true;
// Setting the AttachedReference or the UnattachedReference according to the flag
Element ref;
if (attached) {
ref = tok.getAttachedReference();
} else {
ref = tok.getUnattachedReference();
if (ref != null) {
ref = cloneElement(ref);
dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), ref);
} else if (!isRequestor() && policyToken.isDerivedKeys()) {
// If the Encrypted key used to create the derived key is not
// attached use key identifier as defined in WSS1.1 section
// 7.7 Encrypted Key reference
SecurityTokenReference tokenRef
= new SecurityTokenReference(doc);
if (tok.getSHA1() != null) {
dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), tokenRef.getElement());
} else {
dkSign.setExternalKey(tok.getSecret(), tok.getId());
//Set the algo info
dkSign.setDerivedKeyLength(binding.getAlgorithmSuite().getSignatureDerivedKeyLength() / 8);
if (tok.getSHA1() != null) {
//Set the value type of the reference
dkSign.setCustomValueType(WSConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#"
dkSign.prepare(doc, secHeader);
if (isTokenProtection) {
//Hack to handle reference id issues
//TODO Need a better fix
String sigTokId = tok.getId();
if (sigTokId.startsWith("#")) {
sigTokId = sigTokId.substring(1);
sigParts.add(new WSEncryptionPart(sigTokId));
List<Reference> referenceList = dkSign.addReferencesToSign(sigParts, secHeader);
//Add elements to header
//Do signature
dkSign.computeSignature(referenceList, false, null);