Examples of WSIFException

Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

    private void populateOutMsgReturnPart(Response resp, WSIFMessage outMsg)
        throws WSIFException {
        if (outMsg != null && returnName != null) {
            Parameter retValue = resp.getReturnValue();
            if (retValue == null) {
                throw new WSIFException("return value not found in response message");
            Object result = retValue.getValue();
            if (returnType != null) { // will be null for async responses
                if (!returnType.isPrimitive()
                    && result != null
                    && !(returnType.isAssignableFrom(result.getClass()))) {
                    throw new WSIFException(
                        "return value "
                            + result
                            + " has unexpected type "
                            + result.getClass()
                            + " instead of "
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

        Trc.entry(this, operationName, inputName, outputName);

        WSIFOperation_Java op =
            getDynamicWSIFOperation(operationName, inputName, outputName);
        if (op == null) {
            throw new WSIFException(
                "Could not create operation: "
                    + operationName
                    + ":"
                    + inputName
                    + ":"
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

            try {
                ExtensibilityElement portExtension =
                    (ExtensibilityElement) fieldPortModel.getExtensibilityElements().get(0);

                if (portExtension == null) {
                    throw new WSIFException("missing port extension");

                address = (JavaAddress) portExtension;

                fieldObjectReference =
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "Could not create object of class '" + address.getClassName() + "'",
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException


        if (typeMapping == null) {
            QName bindingName = fieldPortModel.getBinding().getQName();
            throw new WSIFException(
                "Binding "
                    + (bindingName == null ? "<null>" : bindingName.toString())
                    + " does not contain a typeMap with encoding=Java and style=Java");

        // Build the hashmap
        bindingIterator = typeMapping.getMaps().iterator();
        while (bindingIterator.hasNext()) {
            TypeMap typeMap = (TypeMap) bindingIterator.next();
            QName typeName = typeMap.getTypeName();
            if (typeName == null) typeName = typeMap.getElementName();
            String type = typeMap.getFormatType();
            if (typeName != null && type != null) {
                if (fieldTypeMaps.containsKey(typeName)) {
                  Vector v = null;
                  Object obj = fieldTypeMaps.get(typeName);                 
                  if (obj instanceof Vector) {
                    v = (Vector) obj;
                  } else {
                    v = new Vector();
                    this.fieldTypeMaps.put(typeName, v);
                } else {
                    this.fieldTypeMaps.put(typeName, type);
            } else {
                throw new WSIFException("Error in binding TypeMap. Key or Value is null");
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

        // Swap the queues because we're a server not a client.   
        readQ = writeQ;
        writeQ = null;

        if (!allStarts.contains(startType))
            throw new WSIFException("StartType must either be warm or cold");

        if (COLDSTART.equals(startType)) {
            if (verbose)
                System.out.println("Wiping messages off the read queue");
            Message msg = null;
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

    public WSIFJMSProperties(String direction) throws WSIFException {
        Trc.entry(this, direction);

        if (!allDirections.contains(direction))
            throw new WSIFException("Invalid direction " + direction);
        this.direction = direction;
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

    public boolean set(MessageProducer producer, Message message)
        throws WSIFException {
        Trc.entry(this, producer, message);
        if (direction != IN)
            throw new WSIFException("Only input properties can be set on a MessageProducer");
        if (isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        for (Iterator it = keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            try {
                String prop = (String) (it.next());
                Object value = get(prop);
                Class type = value.getClass();
                if (predefinedProps.contains(prop))
                    try {
                        if (prop.equals(CORRELATIONID)) {
                            message.setJMSCorrelationID((String) value);
                        } else if (prop.equals(DELIVERYMODE)) {
                                ((Integer) value).intValue());
                            producer.setDeliveryMode(((Integer) value).intValue());
                        } else if (prop.equals(DESTINATION)) {
                            message.setJMSDestination((Destination) value);
                        } else if (prop.equals(EXPIRATION)) {
                            message.setJMSExpiration(((Long) value).longValue());
                        } else if (prop.equals(PRIORITY)) {
                            message.setJMSPriority(((Integer) value).intValue());
                            producer.setPriority(((Integer) value).intValue());
                        } else if (prop.equals(REDELIVERED)) {
                                ((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
                        } else if (prop.equals(REPLYTO)) {
                            message.setJMSReplyTo((Destination) value);
                        } else if (prop.equals(TIMESTAMP)) {
                            message.setJMSTimestamp(((Long) value).longValue());
                        } else if (prop.equals(TIMETOLIVE)) {
                            producer.setTimeToLive(((Long) value).longValue());
                        } else if(prop.equals(TYPE)) {
                    } catch (ClassCastException ce) {
                        throw new WSIFException(
                            "Unexpected type "
                                + type
                                + " for JMS property "
                                + prop
                                + ".");
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

                || ja.getJndiDestName() != null
                || ja.getJmsProvDestName() != null;
        String implSpecURI = ja.getJmsImplSpecURI();

        if (jndiSpecified && implSpecURI != null)
            throw new WSIFException(
                "Cannot specify both JNDI attributes and "
                    + "jmsImplementationSpecificURL in the jms:address in port "
                    + portName);

        if (!jndiSpecified && implSpecURI == null)
            throw new WSIFException(
                "Must specify either JNDI attributes or "
                    + "jmsImplementationSpecificURL in the jms:address in port "
                    + portName);

        WSIFJMSFinder finder;
        if (jndiSpecified)
            finder =
                new WSIFJMSFinderForJndi(
        else {
            if (implSpecURI.startsWith(MQ_URL_PREFIX))
                finder = new WSIFJMSFinderForMq(ja.getJmsVendorURI(), implSpecURI);
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "No jms implementation found for jmsImplementationSpecificURI '"
                        + implSpecURI
                        + "' for port "
                        + portName);
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException

    private Destination initialDestination;
    private String style;

    WSIFJMSFinderForMq(String jmsVendorURL, String implSpecURL)
        throws WSIFException {
        throw new WSIFException("not yet implemented");

        /*    try {
              factory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
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Examples of org.apache.wsif.WSIFException


        if (!allStyles.contains(style))
            throw new WSIFException("Style must either be queue or topic");
        this.style = style;
        if (portName == null)
            portName = "<null>";
        this.portName = portName;

        if (((initialContextFactory == null) && (jndiProviderURL != null))
            || ((initialContextFactory != null) && (jndiProviderURL == null)))
            throw new WSIFException(
                "Either both initialContextFactory and jndiProviderURL "
                    + "must be specified or neither of them must be specified. Port="
                    + portName);

         * Go find the container's JNDI and the JNDI specified in the WSDL.
        if (initialContextFactory != null && jndiProviderURL != null) {
            Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
            environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, jndiProviderURL);

            try {
                namedJndiContext = new InitialDirContext(environment);
            } catch (NamingException ne) {
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught '"
                        + ne
                        + "'. InitialContextFactory was '"
                        + initialContextFactory
                        + "' ProviderUrl was '"
                        + jndiProviderURL
                        + "'. Port="
                        + portName);

        try {
            containersJndiContext = new InitialDirContext();
        } catch (NamingException ne) {
            if (initialContextFactory == null && jndiProviderURL == null)
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught '"
                        + ne
                        + "' using the default JNDI repository. Port="
                        + portName);

        if (STYLE_TOPIC.equals(style))
            throw new WSIFException("Topics not implemented. Port=" + portName);
        else if (!STYLE_QUEUE.equals(style))
            throw new WSIFException(
                "jms:address must either be a queue or a topic not a '"
                    + (style == null ? "null" : style)
                    + "'. Port="
                    + portName);

         * Go find the queue connection factory.
        if (jndiConnectionFactory == null)
            throw new WSIFException(
                "jndiConnectionFactory must be specified in port " + portName);
        try {
            factory = (QueueConnectionFactory) lookup(jndiConnectionFactory);
            if (factory == null)
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi was not able to lookup the ConnectionFactory "
                        + jndiConnectionFactory
                        + " in JNDI. Port="
                        + portName);
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
            throw new WSIFException(
                "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught ClassCastException. The ConnectionFactory "
                    + jndiConnectionFactory
                    + " in JNDI was not defined to be a connection factory. Port="
                    + portName
                    + " "
                    + cce);
        } catch (NamingException ne) {
            throw new WSIFException(
                "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught NamingException. The ConnectionFactory "
                    + jndiConnectionFactory
                    + " in JNDI was not defined to be a connection factory. Port="
                    + portName
                    + " "
                    + ne);

         * Go find the initial destination.
        if (jndiDestinationName != null)
            try {
                initialDestination = (Destination) lookup(jndiDestinationName);
                if (initialDestination == null)
                    throw new WSIFException(
                        "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi was not able to lookup the Destination "
                            + jndiDestinationName
                            + " in JNDI. Port="
                            + portName);
            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught ClassCastException. The Destination "
                        + jndiDestinationName
                        + " in JNDI was not defined to be a destination. Port="
                        + portName
                        + " "
                        + cce);
            } catch (NamingException cce) {
                throw new WSIFException(
                    "WSIFJMSFinderForJndi caught NamingException. The Destination "
                        + jndiDestinationName
                        + " in JNDI was not defined to be a destination. Port="
                        + portName
                        + " "
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