this.c = c;
public Road globalGoals(City city, Road road, Direction d) { //0 - left, 1 - forward, 2 - right, 3 - backward
Road returnRoad = null;
float previousAngle = (float)Math.toDegrees(Angle.angle(road.a.pos, road.b.pos));
//double nextRoadLength = (road.a.pos.distance(road.b.pos)*.5) + (idealLength *.5); //used for determining size of new road
double nextRoadLength = idealLength;
double nextRoadLengthStreet = 32;
//ramp forward
//left 50 to 20, forward 20 to -20, right -20 to -50
RoadType nextRoadType = RoadType.DEFAULT;
Turtle t = new Turtle(road.b.pos, 0);
float angle = 0;
float bestPopulation = 0;
Coordinate bestPosition = null;
for(int i = 0;i<numberTests ;i++){
t = new Turtle(road.b.pos, 0);
double roadLength = nextRoadLength;
case LEFT: //left
angle = RandomHelper.random(city.random.nextFloat(), turnRateLeftRight, -turnRateLeftRight)+previousAngle+90;
nextRoadType = RoadType.MAIN;
roadLength = nextRoadLengthStreet;
case FORWARD: //forward
angle = RandomHelper.random(city.random.nextFloat(), turnRateForward, -turnRateForward)+previousAngle;
nextRoadType = RoadType.HIGHWAY;
roadLength = nextRoadLength;//Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians((previousAngle-angle)%360))*nextRoadLength); //sin approximates how long next road should be
case RIGHT: //right
angle = RandomHelper.random(city.random.nextFloat(), turnRateLeftRight, -turnRateLeftRight)+previousAngle+270;
nextRoadType = RoadType.MAIN;
roadLength = nextRoadLengthStreet;
case BACKWARD: //backward
angle = -RandomHelper.random(city.random.nextFloat(), turnRateForward, -turnRateForward)+previousAngle;
nextRoadType = RoadType.HIGHWAY;
roadLength = nextRoadLength;
//invalid direction
t.angle = angle;
float population = city.pop.get((int)t.pos.x, (int)t.pos.y);
if(population>=bestPopulation ){ //&& water < .7
bestPopulation = population;
bestPosition = new Coordinate(t.pos);
if(bestPosition == null){
//same as forward
t = new Turtle(road.b.pos, 0);
angle = RandomHelper.random(city.random.nextFloat(), 20, -20);
nextRoadType = RoadType.HIGHWAY;
double roadLength = Math.abs(Math.sin(Math.toRadians((previousAngle-angle)%360))*nextRoadLength); //sin approximates how long next road should be
t.angle = angle;
returnRoad = new Road(road.b, new Intersection(new Coordinate(t.pos)), nextRoadType, this, road); //roads set to default should die.
returnRoad = new Road(road.b, new Intersection(bestPosition), nextRoadType, this, road); //roads set to default should die.
return returnRoad;