Examples of WmsException

Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

        List featureId = (getMap.getFeatureId() != null) ? getMap
                .getFeatureId() : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        if (!featureId.isEmpty()) {
            if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
                throw new WmsException("GetMap KVP request contained "
                        + "conflicting filters.  Filter: " + filters
                        + ", fid: " + featureId);

            Set ids = new HashSet();
            for (Iterator i = featureId.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                ids.add(filterFactory.featureId((String) i.next()));
            filters = Collections.singletonList((Filter) filterFactory.id(ids));

        if (!cqlFilters.isEmpty()) {
            if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
                throw new WmsException("GetMap KVP request contained "
                        + "conflicting filters.  Filter: " + filters
                        + ", fid: " + featureId + ", cql: " + cqlFilters);

            filters = cqlFilters;
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            final List<?> requestedLayers, List<String> styleNames) throws WmsException, IOException {
        final StyledLayer[] styledLayers = sld.getStyledLayers();
        final int slCount = styledLayers.length;

        if (slCount == 0) {
            throw new WmsException("SLD document contains no layers");

        final List<MapLayerInfo> layers = new ArrayList<MapLayerInfo>();
        final List<Style> styles = new ArrayList<Style>();
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            final StyledLayerDescriptor sld) throws IOException {
        final StyledLayer[] styledLayers = sld.getStyledLayers();
        final int slCount = styledLayers.length;

        if (slCount == 0) {
            throw new WmsException("SLD document contains no layers");

        final List<MapLayerInfo> layers = new ArrayList<MapLayerInfo>();
        final List<Style> styles = new ArrayList<Style>();
        MapLayerInfo currLayer = null;
        Style currStyle = null;

        String layerName;
        UserLayer ul;
        for(StyledLayer sl: styledLayers) {
            layerName = sl.getName();

            if (null == layerName) {
                throw new WmsException("A UserLayer without layer name was passed");

            final WMS wms = request.getWMS();
            if (sl instanceof UserLayer && ((((UserLayer) sl)).getRemoteOWS() != null)) {
                // this beast can define multiple feature sources and multiple styles, we'll
                // have to mix and match them (ugh)
                ul = ((UserLayer) sl);
                try {
                    addRemoteLayersFromUserLayer(request, ul, layers, styles);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new WmsException("Error accessing remote layers", "RemoteAccessFailed", e);
            } else {
                // simpler case, one layer, eventually multiple styles
                currLayer = null;
                // handle the InLineFeature stuff
                if ((sl instanceof UserLayer)
                        && ((((UserLayer) sl)).getInlineFeatureDatastore() != null)) {
                    // SPECIAL CASE - we make the temporary version
                    ul = ((UserLayer) sl);

                    try {
                       currLayer =  initializeInlineFeatureLayer(request, ul);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new WmsException(e);
                } else {
                    if(wms.getLayerGroupByName(layerName) != null) {
                        LayerGroupInfo group = wms.getLayerGroupByName(layerName);
                        for(int i = 0; i < group.getLayers().size(); i++) {
                            LayerInfo layer = group.getLayers().get(i);
                            layers.add(new MapLayerInfo(layer));
                            StyleInfo style = group.getStyles().get(i);
                            if(style != null) {
                            } else {
                        // move to the next named layer
                    } else {
                        LayerInfo layerInfo = wms.getLayerByName(layerName);
                        if(layerInfo == null)
                            throw new WmsException("Unknown layer: " + layerName);
                        currLayer = new MapLayerInfo(layerInfo);
                        if (sl instanceof NamedLayer) {
                            NamedLayer namedLayer = ((NamedLayer) sl);

                if (currLayer.getType() == MapLayerInfo.TYPE_RASTER) {
                    try {
                        addStyles(request, currLayer, sl, layers, styles);
                    } catch (WmsException wm) {
                        // hmm, well, the style they specified in the wms
                        // request
                        // wasn't found. Let's try the default raster style
                        // named 'raster'
                        currStyle = findStyle(request, "raster");
                        if (currStyle == null) {
                            // nope, no default raster style either. Give up.
                            throw new WmsException(wm.getMessage() + "  Also tried to use "
                                    + "the generic raster style 'raster', but it wasn't available.");
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

    private static void addRemoteLayersFromUserLayer(GetMapRequest request, UserLayer ul,
            List layers, List styles) throws WmsException, IOException {
        RemoteOWS service = ul.getRemoteOWS();
        if (!service.getService().equalsIgnoreCase("WFS"))
            throw new WmsException("GeoServer only supports WFS as remoteOWS service");
        if (service.getOnlineResource() == null)
            throw new WmsException("OnlineResource for remote WFS not specified in SLD");
        final FeatureTypeConstraint[] featureConstraints = ul.getLayerFeatureConstraints();
        if (featureConstraints == null || featureConstraints.length == 0)
            throw new WmsException(
                    "No FeatureTypeConstraint specified, no layer can be loaded for this UserStyle");

        DataStore remoteWFS = null;
        List remoteTypeNames = null;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(service.getOnlineResource());
            remoteWFS = connectRemoteWFS(url);
            remoteTypeNames = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(remoteWFS.getTypeNames()));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new WmsException("Invalid online resource url: '" + service.getOnlineResource()
                    + "'");

        Style[] layerStyles = ul.getUserStyles();
        if (request.getFilter() == null)
            request.setFilter(new ArrayList());
        for (int i = 0; i < featureConstraints.length; i++) {
            // make sure the layer is there
            String name = featureConstraints[i].getFeatureTypeName();
            if (Collections.binarySearch(remoteTypeNames, name) < 0) {
                throw new WmsException("Could not find layer feature type '" + name
                        + "' on remote WFS '" + service.getOnlineResource());

            // grab the filter
            Filter filter = featureConstraints[i].getFilter();
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            if (layerStyles[t] instanceof NamedStyle) {
                s = findStyle(request, ((NamedStyle) layerStyles[t]).getName());

                if (s == null) {
                    throw new WmsException("couldnt find style named '"
                            + ((NamedStyle) layerStyles[t]).getName() + "'");

            } else {
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

        // still not found? Fall back on the server default ones
        if (style == null) {
            if (styleName == null || "".equals(styleName)) {
                style = layer.getDefaultStyle();
                if (style == null)
                    throw new WmsException("Could not find a default style for " + layer.getName());
            } else {
                style = wms.getStyleByName(styleName);
                if (style == null) {
                    String msg = "No such style: " + styleName;
                    throw new WmsException(msg, "StyleNotDefined");

        checkStyle(style, layer);
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

        final int length = styleAttributes.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            attName = styleAttributes[i];

            if (!attributes.contains(attName)) {
                throw new WmsException(
                        "The requested Style can not be used with this layer.  The style specifies "
                                + "an attribute of " + attName + " and the layer is: "
                                + mapLayerInfo.getName());
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            if (layerInfo != null) {
            } else {
                LayerGroupInfo layerGroup = wms.getLayerGroupByName(layerName);
                if (layerGroup == null) {
                    throw new WmsException("Could not find layer " + layerName, "LayerNotDefined");
        // pre GEOS-2652
        // Integer layerType = catalog.getLayerType(layerName);
        // if (layerType != null) {
        // layers.add(buildMapLayerInfo(layerName));
        // } else {
        // if(wms.getBaseMapLayers().containsKey(layerName)) {
        // layers.add(buildMapLayerInfo(layerName));
        // } else {
        // ////
        // // Search for grouped layers (attention: heavy process)
        // ////
        // boolean found = false;
        // String catalogLayerName = null;
        // for (Iterator c_keys = catalog.getLayerNames().iterator(); c_keys.hasNext();) {
        // catalogLayerName = (String) c_keys.next();
        // try {
        // FeatureTypeInfo ftype = findFeatureLayer(catalogLayerName);
        // String wmsPath = ftype.getWmsPath();
        // if ((wmsPath != null) && wmsPath.matches(".*/" + layerName)) {
        // layers.add(buildMapLayerInfo(catalogLayerName));
        // found = true;
        // }
        // } catch (Exception e_1) {
        // try {
        // CoverageInfo cv = findCoverageLayer(catalogLayerName);
        // String wmsPath = cv.getWmsPath();
        // if ((wmsPath != null) && wmsPath.matches(".*/" + layerName)) {
        // layers.add(buildMapLayerInfo(catalogLayerName));
        // found = true;
        // }
        // } catch (Exception e_2) {
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // if(!found)
        // throw new WmsException("Could not find layer " + layerName,"LayerNotDefined");
        // }

        // }
        // }

        if (layersOrGroups.size() == 0) {
            throw new WmsException("No LAYERS has been requested", getClass().getName());
        return layersOrGroups;
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            params.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.URL.key, remoteOwsUrl
                    + "&request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS");
            params.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.TRY_GZIP.key, Boolean.TRUE);
            return factory.createDataStore(params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WmsException("Could not connect to remote OWS", "RemoteOWSFailure", e);
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Examples of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException

            } else {
                final Style style = wms.getStyleByName(styleName);
                if (style == null) {
                    String msg = "No such style: " + styleName;
                    throw new WmsException(msg, "StyleNotDefined");
        return styles;
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